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Jahrgang 1986  4. Quartal

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5. Oktober 1986   (# 635)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. True blue - Madonna 11 78
2. 2. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 15 90
3. 3. The final - Wham! 9 50
4. 4. So - Peter Gabriel 17 126
5. 6. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 4 16
6. 5. Invisible touch - Genesis 14 88
7. 8. Every beat of my heart - Rod Stewart 4 12
8. 7. A kind of magic - Queen 13 58
9. Break every rule - Tina Turner 1 2
10. 9. Revenge - Eurythmics 6 11

12. Oktober 1986   (# 636)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. True blue - Madonna 12 88
2. 2. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 16 99
3. 5. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 5 24
4. 3. The final - Wham! 10 57
5. 4. So - Peter Gabriel 18 132
6. 9. Break every rule - Tina Turner 2 7
7. 7. Every beat of my heart - Rod Stewart 5 16
8. 6. Invisible touch - Genesis 15 91
9. 10. Revenge - Eurythmics 7 13
10. 8. A kind of magic - Queen 14 59

19. Oktober 1986   (# 637)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. True blue - Madonna 13 98
2. 2. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 17 108
3. 3. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 6 32
4. 6. Break every rule - Tina Turner 3 14
5. 4. The final - Wham! 11 63
6. 5. So - Peter Gabriel 19 137
7. 7. Every beat of my heart - Rod Stewart 6 20
8. 9. Revenge - Eurythmics 8 16
9. Fore! - Huey Lewis & The News 1 2
10. 8. Invisible touch - Genesis 16 92

26. Oktober 1986   (# 638)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 18 118
2. 1. True blue - Madonna 14 107
3. 3. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 7 40
4. 4. Break every rule - Tina Turner 4 21
5. 5. The final - Wham! 12 69
6. 7. Every beat of my heart - Rod Stewart 7 25
7. 9. Fore! - Huey Lewis & The News 2 6
8. 8. Revenge - Eurythmics 9 19
9. 6. So - Peter Gabriel 20 139
10. RE Dancing on the ceiling - Lionel Richie 2 2

2. November 1986   (# 639)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 19 128
2. 2. True blue - Madonna 15 116
3. 3. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 8 48
4. 4. Break every rule - Tina Turner 5 28
5. 7. Fore! - Huey Lewis & The News 3 12
6. 6. Every beat of my heart - Rod Stewart 8 30
7. 8. Revenge - Eurythmics 10 23
8. 5. The final - Wham! 13 72
9. The final countdown - Europe 1 2
10. Herzklopfen - Chris Rea 1 1

9. November 1986   (# 640)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 3. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 9 58
2. 1. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 20 137
3. 4. Break every rule - Tina Turner 6 36
4. 2. True blue - Madonna 16 123
5. 5. Fore! - Huey Lewis & The News 4 18
6. 9. The final countdown - Europe 2 7
7. 10. Herzklopfen - Chris Rea 2 5
8. 7. Revenge - Eurythmics 11 26
9. 6. Every beat of my heart - Rod Stewart 9 32
10. RE Dancing on the ceiling - Lionel Richie 3 3

16. November 1986   (# 641)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 3. Break every rule - Tina Turner 7 46
2. 2. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 21 146
3. 1. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 10 66
4. 4. True blue - Madonna 17 130
5. 5. Fore! - Huey Lewis & The News 5 24
6. 6. The final countdown - Europe 3 12
7. 7. Herzklopfen - Chris Rea 3 9
8. Emotional - Falco 1 3
9. 8. Revenge - Eurythmics 12 28
10. 9. Every beat of my heart - Rod Stewart 10 33

23. November 1986   (# 642)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Break every rule - Tina Turner 8 56
2. 2. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 22 155
3. 3. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 11 74
4. 4. True blue - Madonna 18 137
5. 8. Emotional - Falco 2 9
6. 6. The final countdown - Europe 4 17
7. 5. Fore! - Huey Lewis & The News 6 28
8. Tabaluga und das leuchtende Schweigen - Peter Maffay 1 3
9. 7. Herzklopfen - Chris Rea 4 11
10. 9. Revenge - Eurythmics 13 29

30. November 1986   (# 643)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Break every rule - Tina Turner 9 66
2. 2. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 23 164
3. 3. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 12 82
4. 4. True blue - Madonna 19 144
5. 5. Emotional - Falco 3 15
6. 8. Tabaluga und das leuchtende Schweigen - Peter Maffay 2 8
7. 6. The final countdown - Europe 5 21
8. 7. Fore! - Huey Lewis & The News 7 31
9. 9. Herzklopfen - Chris Rea 5 13
10. 10. Revenge - Eurythmics 14 30

7. Dezember 1986   (# 644)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Break every rule - Tina Turner 10 76
2. 2. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 24 173
3. 4. True blue - Madonna 20 152
4. 3. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 13 89
5. 5. Emotional - Falco 4 21
6. 6. Tabaluga und das leuchtende Schweigen - Peter Maffay 3 13
7. 7. The final countdown - Europe 6 25
8. 9. Herzklopfen - Chris Rea 6 16
9. Scoundrel days - A-ha 1 2
10. In the middle of nowhere, 4th album - Modern Talking 1 1

14. Dezember 1986   (# 645)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Break every rule - Tina Turner 11 86
2. 2. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 25 182
3. 6. Tabaluga und das leuchtende Schweigen - Peter Maffay 4 21
4. 3. True blue - Madonna 21 159
5. 5. Emotional - Falco 5 27
6. 4. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 14 94
7. 10. In the middle of nowhere, 4th album - Modern Talking 2 5
8. 9. Scoundrel days - A-ha 2 5
9. 7. The final countdown - Europe 7 27
10. Liverpool - Frankie Goes To Hollywood 1 1

21. Dezember 1986   (# 646)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Break every rule - Tina Turner 12 96
2. 2. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 26 191
3. 3. Tabaluga und das leuchtende Schweigen - Peter Maffay 5 29
4. 5. Emotional - Falco 6 34
5. 4. True blue - Madonna 22 165
6. 6. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 15 99
7. 7. In the middle of nowhere, 4th album - Modern Talking 3 9
8. 8. Scoundrel days - A-ha 3 8
9. Träumen mit Engelbert - Engelbert 1 2
10. 10. Liverpool - Frankie Goes To Hollywood 2 2

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