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Jahrgang 1986  3. Quartal

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6. Juli 1986   (# 622)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Sprünge - Herbert Grönemeyer 13 105
2. 2. Cocker - Joe Cocker 10 59
3. 4. On the beach - Chris Rea 7 35
4. 3. Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston 21 154
5. 7. Ready for romance, 3rd album - Modern Talking 3 14
6. 8. So - Peter Gabriel 4 13
7. 5. Dirty works - The Rolling Stones 12 75
8. 6. Black celebration - Depeche Mode 12 58
9. 10. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 2 3
10. Invisible touch - Genesis 1 1

13. Juli 1986   (# 623)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Sprünge - Herbert Grönemeyer 14 115
2. 5. Ready for romance, 3rd album - Modern Talking 4 23
3. 2. Cocker - Joe Cocker 11 67
4. 6. So - Peter Gabriel 5 20
5. 3. On the beach - Chris Rea 8 41
6. 4. Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston 22 159
7. 9. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 3 7
8. 10. Invisible touch - Genesis 2 4
9. A kind of magic - Queen 1 2
10. 8. Black celebration - Depeche Mode 13 59

20. Juli 1986   (# 624)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Sprünge - Herbert Grönemeyer 15 125
2. 2. Ready for romance, 3rd album - Modern Talking 5 32
3. 4. So - Peter Gabriel 6 28
4. 3. Cocker - Joe Cocker 12 74
5. 5. On the beach - Chris Rea 9 47
6. 8. Invisible touch - Genesis 3 9
7. 7. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 4 11
8. 6. Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston 23 162
9. 9. A kind of magic - Queen 2 4
10. 10. Black celebration - Depeche Mode 14 60

27. Juli 1986   (# 625)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Ready for romance, 3rd album - Modern Talking 6 42
2. 3. So - Peter Gabriel 7 37
3. 1. Sprünge - Herbert Grönemeyer 16 133
4. 6. Invisible touch - Genesis 4 16
5. 4. Cocker - Joe Cocker 13 80
6. 7. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 5 16
7. 9. A kind of magic - Queen 3 8
8. 5. On the beach - Chris Rea 10 50
9. 8. Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston 24 164
10. True blue - Madonna 1 1

3. August 1986   (# 626)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. So - Peter Gabriel 8 47
2. 1. Ready for romance, 3rd album - Modern Talking 7 51
3. 3. Sprünge - Herbert Grönemeyer 17 141
4. 4. Invisible touch - Genesis 5 23
5. 7. A kind of magic - Queen 4 14
6. 6. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 6 21
7. 5. Cocker - Joe Cocker 14 84
8. 10. True blue - Madonna 2 4
9. 8. On the beach - Chris Rea 11 52
10. 9. Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston 25 165

10. August 1986   (# 627)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. So - Peter Gabriel 9 57
2. 2. Ready for romance, 3rd album - Modern Talking 8 60
3. 4. Invisible touch - Genesis 6 31
4. 6. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 7 28
5. 3. Sprünge - Herbert Grönemeyer 18 147
6. 5. A kind of magic - Queen 5 19
7. 8. True blue - Madonna 3 8
8. 7. Cocker - Joe Cocker 15 87
9. The final - Wham! 1 2
10. Picture book - Simply Red 1 1

17. August 1986   (# 628)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. So - Peter Gabriel 10 67
2. 2. Ready for romance, 3rd album - Modern Talking 9 69
3. 3. Invisible touch - Genesis 7 39
4. 4. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 8 35
5. 6. A kind of magic - Queen 6 25
6. 7. True blue - Madonna 4 13
7. 5. Sprünge - Herbert Grönemeyer 19 151
8. 9. The final - Wham! 2 5
9. 8. Cocker - Joe Cocker 16 89
10. 10. Picture book - Simply Red 2 2

24. August 1986   (# 629)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. So - Peter Gabriel 11 77
2. 3. Invisible touch - Genesis 8 48
3. 2. Ready for romance, 3rd album - Modern Talking 10 77
4. 6. True blue - Madonna 5 20
5. 4. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 9 41
6. 5. A kind of magic - Queen 7 30
7. 8. The final - Wham! 3 9
8. 7. Sprünge - Herbert Grönemeyer 20 154
9. 10. Picture book - Simply Red 3 4
10. 9. Cocker - Joe Cocker 17 90

31. August 1986   (# 630)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. So - Peter Gabriel 12 87
2. 2. Invisible touch - Genesis 9 57
3. 4. True blue - Madonna 6 28
4. 5. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 10 48
5. 6. A kind of magic - Queen 8 36
6. 3. Ready for romance, 3rd album - Modern Talking 11 82
7. 7. The final - Wham! 4 13
8. 8. Sprünge - Herbert Grönemeyer 21 157
9. Revenge - Eurythmics 1 2
10. 9. Picture book - Simply Red 4 5

7. September 1986   (# 631)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 3. True blue - Madonna 7 38
2. 1. So - Peter Gabriel 13 96
3. 2. Invisible touch - Genesis 10 65
4. 4. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 11 55
5. 7. The final - Wham! 5 19
6. 5. A kind of magic - Queen 9 41
7. 6. Ready for romance, 3rd album - Modern Talking 12 86
8. 8. Sprünge - Herbert Grönemeyer 22 160
9. 9. Revenge - Eurythmics 2 4
10. 10. Picture book - Simply Red 5 6

14. September 1986   (# 632)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. True blue - Madonna 8 48
2. 2. So - Peter Gabriel 14 105
3. 4. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 12 63
4. 5. The final - Wham! 6 26
5. 3. Invisible touch - Genesis 11 71
6. 6. A kind of magic - Queen 10 46
7. 7. Ready for romance, 3rd album - Modern Talking 13 90
8. 9. Revenge - Eurythmics 3 7
9. Every beat of my heart - Rod Stewart 1 2
10. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 1 1

21. September 1986   (# 633)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. True blue - Madonna 9 58
2. 3. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 13 72
3. 4. The final - Wham! 7 34
4. 2. So - Peter Gabriel 15 112
5. 5. Invisible touch - Genesis 12 77
6. 6. A kind of magic - Queen 11 51
7. 10. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 2 5
8. 9. Every beat of my heart - Rod Stewart 2 5
9. 7. Ready for romance, 3rd album - Modern Talking 14 92
10. 8. Revenge - Eurythmics 4 8

28. September 1986   (# 634)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. True blue - Madonna 10 68
2. 2. Into the light - Chris de Burgh 14 81
3. 3. The final - Wham! 8 42
4. 4. So - Peter Gabriel 16 119
5. 5. Invisible touch - Genesis 13 83
6. 7. Top Gun - SOUNDTRACK 3 10
7. 6. A kind of magic - Queen 12 55
8. 8. Every beat of my heart - Rod Stewart 3 8
9. 10. Revenge - Eurythmics 5 10
10. Dancing on the ceiling - Lionel Richie 1 1

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