Mal Sondock
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Discothek im WDR mit Guildo Horn

Jahrgang 2022  2. Quartal

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2. April 2022   (# 44)


VW T Titel - Interpret Woche Punkte
1. 1. Telegram Sam - T. Rex 2 20
2. 2. Heart of gold - Neil Young 3 28
3. 3. Zeit macht nur vor dem Teufel halt - Barry Ryan 8 55
4. 5. Long cool woman in a black dress - The Hollies 6 50
5. Am Tag als Conny Kramer starb - Juliane Werding 1 6
6. 4. Look wot you dun - Slade 3 21
7. The wizard - Uriah Heep 1 4
8. 7. Poppa Joe - The Sweet 4 20
9. 6. Samson and Delilah - Middle of The Road 2 7
10. 8. How do you do - Mouth & MacNeal 6 14
      Vorschläge   Tipp
NV1     Beautiful sunday - Daniel Boone   ---
NV2     Give Ireland back to the Irish - Wings x Niete
NV3     Turn your radio on - Ray Stevens x ---

9. April 2022   (# 45)


VW T Titel - Interpret Woche Punkte
1. 1. Telegram Sam - T. Rex 3 30
2. 2. Heart of gold - Neil Young 4 37
3. 4. Long cool woman in a black dress - The Hollies 7 58
4. 6. Look wot you dun - Slade 4 28
5. 7. The wizard - Uriah Heep 2 10
6. Beautiful sunday - Daniel Boone 1 5
7. 5. Am Tag als Conny Kramer starb - Juliane Werding 2 10
8. 8. Poppa Joe - The Sweet 5 23
9. 10. How do you do - Mouth & MacNeal 7 16
10. 9. Samson and Delilah - Middle of The Road 3 8
      Vorschläge   Tipp
NV1     No one to depend on - Santana   ---
NV2     Never before - Deep Purple   Hit
NV3     I am a clown - David Cassidy x ---

16. April 2022   (# 46)


VW T Titel - Interpret Woche Punkte
1. 1. Telegram Sam - T. Rex 4 40
2. 3. Long cool woman in a black dress - The Hollies 8 67
3. 2. Heart of gold - Neil Young 5 45
4. 4. Look wot you dun - Slade 5 35
5. Never before - Deep Purple 1 6
6. 5. The wizard - Uriah Heep 3 15
7. 7. Am Tag als Conny Kramer starb - Juliane Werding 3 14
8. 8. Poppa Joe - The Sweet 6 26
9. 6. Beautiful sunday - Daniel Boone 2 7
10. No one to depend on - Santana 1 1
      Vorschläge   Tipp
NV1     Run run run - Jo Jo Gunne x ---
NV2     Back off Boogaloo - Ringo Starr   Hit
NV3     Alone again (naturally) - Gilbert O´Sullivan   ---

23. April 2022   (# 47)


VW T Titel - Interpret Woche Punkte
1. 1. Telegram Sam - T. Rex 5 50
2. 3. Heart of gold - Neil Young 6 54
3. Back off Boogaloo - Ringo Starr 1 8
4. 4. Look wot you dun - Slade 6 42
5. Alone again (naturally) - Gilbert O´Sullivan 1 6
6. 6. The wizard - Uriah Heep 4 20
7. 7. Am Tag als Conny Kramer starb - Juliane Werding 4 18
8. 9. Beautiful sunday - Daniel Boone 3 10
9. 5. Never before - Deep Purple 2 8
10. 8. Poppa Joe - The Sweet 7 27
      Vorschläge   Tipp
NV1     Radancer - The Marmalade x ---
NV2     Oh babe, what would you say - Hurricane Smith   Hit
NV3     Sylvia´s mother - Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show   ---

Diese Ausgabe moderierte Tom Petersen.

30. April 2022   (# 48)


VW T Titel - Interpret Woche Punkte
1. 1. Telegram Sam - T. Rex 6 60
2. 2. Heart of gold - Neil Young 7 63
3. Sylvia´s mother - Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show 1 8
4. Oh babe, what would you say - Hurricane Smith 1 7
5. 4. Look wot you dun - Slade 7 48
6. 6. The wizard - Uriah Heep 5 25
7. 9. Never before - Deep Purple 3 12
8. 10. Poppa Joe - The Sweet 8 30
9. 7. Am Tag als Conny Kramer starb - Juliane Werding 5 20
10. 3. Back off Boogaloo - Ringo Starr 2 9
      Vorschläge   Tipp
NV1     California man - The Move x ---
NV2     Rocket man - Elton John   Hit
NV3     Thick as a brick - Jethro Tull   ---

7. Mai 2022   (# 49)


VW T Titel - Interpret Woche Punkte
1. 1. Telegram Sam - T. Rex 7 70
2. 2. Heart of gold - Neil Young 8 72
3. 4. Oh babe, what would you say - Hurricane Smith 2 15
4. Rocket man - Elton John 1 7
5. 5. Look wot you dun - Slade 8 54
6. Thick as a brick - Jethro Tull 1 5
7. 3. Sylvia´s mother - Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show 2 12
8. 9. Am Tag als Conny Kramer starb - Juliane Werding 6 23
9. 7. Never before - Deep Purple 4 14
10. 6. The wizard - Uriah Heep 6 26
      Vorschläge   Tipp
NV1     Someday never comes - Creedence Clearwater Revival   ---
NV2     Tumbling dice - The Rolling Stones   Hit
NV3     Song sung blue - Neil Diamond   ---

14. Mai 2022   (# 50)


VW T Titel - Interpret Woche Punkte
1. 1. Telegram Sam - T. Rex 8 80
2. Someday never comes - Creedence Clearwater Revival 1 9
3. Song sung blue - Neil Diamond 1 8
4. 7. Sylvia´s mother - Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show 3 19
5. 3. Oh babe, what would you say - Hurricane Smith 3 21
6. 4. Rocket man - Elton John 2 12
7. 10. The wizard - Uriah Heep 7 30
8. 9. Never before - Deep Purple 5 17
9. Tumbling dice - The Rolling Stones 1 2
10. 8. Am Tag als Conny Kramer starb - Juliane Werding 7 24
      Vorschläge   Tipp
NV1     Outa-space - Billy Preston x ---
NV2     Rock and roll - Led Zeppelin   Hit
NV3     Vincent - Don McLean   ---

Diese Ausgabe moderierte Tom Petersen.

21. Mai 2022   (# 51)


VW T Titel - Interpret Woche Punkte
1. Rock and roll - Led Zeppelin 1 10
2. Vincent - Don McLean 1 9
3. 2. Someday never comes - Creedence Clearwater Revival 2 17
4. 4. Sylvia´s mother - Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show 4 26
5. 6. Rocket man - Elton John 3 18
6. 3. Song sung blue - Neil Diamond 2 13
7. 5. Oh babe, what would you say - Hurricane Smith 4 25
8. 7. The wizard - Uriah Heep 8 33
9. 10. Am Tag als Conny Kramer starb - Juliane Werding 8 26
10. 8. Never before - Deep Purple 6 18
      Vorschläge   Tipp
NV1     Metal Guru - T. Rex   ---
NV2     A thing called love - Johnny Cash   Niete
NV3     Stir it up - Johnny Nash x ---

28. Mai 2022   (# 52)


VW T Titel - Interpret Woche Punkte
1. Metal Guru - T. Rex 1 10
2. 1. Rock and roll - Led Zeppelin 2 19
3. 3. Someday never comes - Creedence Clearwater Revival 3 25
4. 2. Vincent - Don McLean 2 16
5. 6. Song sung blue - Neil Diamond 3 19
6. 10. Never before - Deep Purple 7 23
7. 5. Rocket man - Elton John 4 22
8. 7. Oh babe, what would you say - Hurricane Smith 5 28
9. A thing called love - Johnny Cash 1 2
10. 4. Sylvia´s mother - Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show 5 27
      Vorschläge   Tipp
NV1     Doctor, my eyes - Jackson Browne x ---
NV2     Lean on me - Bill Withers x Hit
NV3     Little bit of love - Free x ---

4. Juni 2022

Wegen "Ab in die 80er" keine DiW an diesem Tag.

11. Juni 2022   (# 53)


VW T Titel - Interpret Woche Punkte
1. 1. Metal Guru - T. Rex 2 20
2. 2. Rock and roll - Led Zeppelin 3 28
3. 3. Someday never comes - Creedence Clearwater Revival 4 33
4. 6. Never before - Deep Purple 8 30
5. 8. Oh babe, what would you say - Hurricane Smith 6 34
6. 4. Vincent - Don McLean 3 21
7. 5. Song sung blue - Neil Diamond 4 23
8. 7. Rocket man - Elton John 5 25
9. 9. A thing called love - Johnny Cash 2 4
10. 10. Sylvia´s mother - Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show 6 28
      Vorschläge   Tipp
NV1     Little Willy - The Sweet   ---
NV2     Take me bak 'ome - Slade   Hit
NV3     Ooh-wakka-doo-wakka-day - Gilbert O´Sullivan x ---

18. Juni 2022   (# 54)


VW T Titel - Interpret Woche Punkte
1. 1. Metal Guru - T. Rex 3 30
2. 2. Rock and roll - Led Zeppelin 4 37
3. Take me bak 'ome - Slade 1 8
4. Little Willy - The Sweet 1 7
5. 3. Someday never comes - Creedence Clearwater Revival 5 39
6. 7. Song sung blue - Neil Diamond 5 28
7. 10. Sylvia´s mother - Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show 7 32
8. 5. Oh babe, what would you say - Hurricane Smith 7 37
9. 6. Vincent - Don McLean 4 23
10. 8. Rocket man - Elton John 6 26
      Vorschläge   Tipp
NV1     Mary had a little lamb - Wings x ---
NV2     Buddy Joe - Golden Earring   Hit
NV3     Beg, steal or borrow - The New Seekers   ---

Diese Ausgabe moderierte Tom Petersen.

25. Juni 2022   (# 55)


VW T Titel - Interpret Woche Punkte
1. 1. Metal Guru - T. Rex 4 40
2. Buddy Joe - Golden Earring 1 9
3. 2. Rock and roll - Led Zeppelin 5 45
4. 3. Take me bak 'ome - Slade 2 15
5. 8. Oh babe, what would you say - Hurricane Smith 8 43
6. Beg, steal or borrow - The New Seekers 1 5
7. 4. Little Willy - The Sweet 2 11
8. 5. Someday never comes - Creedence Clearwater Revival 6 42
9. 6. Song sung blue - Neil Diamond 6 30
10. 9. Vincent - Don McLean 5 24
      Vorschläge   Tipp
NV1     Inkpot - Shocking Blue   ---
NV2     Rockin´ Robin - Michael Jackson x Niete
NV3     Don´t go down to Reno - Tony Christie   ---

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