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Jahrgang 1990  2. Quartal

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1. April 1990   (# 813)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 16 123 135
2. 2. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 13 100
3. 3. The road to hell - Chris Rea 16 82 87
4. 4. The sweet keeper - Tanita Tikaram 6 27
5. 5. Hangin´ tough - New Kids On The Block 7 29
6. 8. Storm front - Billy Joel 6 15
7. 6. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 22 105 176
8. 7. Halleluja - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 25 38 141
9. Blue sky mining - Midnight Oil 1 2
10. 9. Back on the block - Quincy Jones 3 4

8. April 1990   (# 814)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 17 133 145
2. 2. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 14 109
3. 4. The sweet keeper - Tanita Tikaram 7 35
4. 5. Hangin´ tough - New Kids On The Block 8 36
5. 3. The road to hell - Chris Rea 17 88 93
6. 6. Storm front - Billy Joel 7 20
7. 9. Blue sky mining - Midnight Oil 2 6
8. I do not want what I have not got - Sinead O´Connor 1 3
9. 10. Back on the block - Quincy Jones 4 6
10. RE Foreign affair - Tina Turner 22 30 119

15. April 1990   (# 815)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 18 143 155
2. 2. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 15 118
3. 3. The sweet keeper - Tanita Tikaram 8 43
4. 8. I do not want what I have not got - Sinead O´Connor 2 10
5. 4. Hangin´ tough - New Kids On The Block 9 42
6. 7. Blue sky mining - Midnight Oil 3 11
7. 6. Storm front - Billy Joel 8 24
8. 5. The road to hell - Chris Rea 18 91 96
9. Violator - Depeche Mode 1 2
10. 9. Back on the block - Quincy Jones 5 7

22. April 1990   (# 816)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 19 153 165
2. 2. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 16 127
3. 4. I do not want what I have not got - Sinead O´Connor 3 18
4. 3. The sweet keeper - Tanita Tikaram 9 50
5. 6. Blue sky mining - Midnight Oil 4 17
6. 9. Violator - Depeche Mode 2 7
7. 5. Hangin´ tough - New Kids On The Block 10 46
8. 7. Storm front - Billy Joel 9 27
9. 10. Back on the block - Quincy Jones 6 9
10. 8. The road to hell - Chris Rea 19 92 97

29. April 1990   (# 817)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 20 163 175
2. 3. I do not want what I have not got - Sinead O´Connor 4 27
3. 2. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 17 135
4. 6. Violator - Depeche Mode 3 14
5. 5. Blue sky mining - Midnight Oil 5 23
6. 4. The sweet keeper - Tanita Tikaram 10 55
7. 7. Hangin´ tough - New Kids On The Block 11 50
8. 8. Storm front - Billy Joel 10 30
9. 9. Back on the block - Quincy Jones 7 11
10. Still got the blues - Gary Moore 1 1

6. Mai 1990   (# 818)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 21 173 185
2. 2. I do not want what I have not got - Sinead O´Connor 5 36
3. 4. Violator - Depeche Mode 4 22
4. 3. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 18 142
5. 5. Blue sky mining - Midnight Oil 6 29
6. 6. The sweet keeper - Tanita Tikaram 11 60
7. 10. Still got the blues - Gary Moore 2 5
8. 8. Storm front - Billy Joel 11 33
9. Paintings in yellow - Sandra 1 2
10. 7. Hangin´ tough - New Kids On The Block 12 51

13. Mai 1990   (# 819)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 22 183 195
2. 2. I do not want what I have not got - Sinead O´Connor 6 45
3. 3. Violator - Depeche Mode 5 30
4. 5. Blue sky mining - Midnight Oil 7 36
5. 4. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 19 148
6. 7. Still got the blues - Gary Moore 3 10
7. 9. Paintings in yellow - Sandra 2 6
8. In ogni senso - Eros Ramazotti 1 3
9. 8. Storm front - Billy Joel 12 35
10. 6. The sweet keeper - Tanita Tikaram 12 61

20. Mai 1990   (# 820)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. I do not want what I have not got - Sinead O´Connor 7 55
2. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 23 192 204
3. 3. Violator - Depeche Mode 6 38
4. 4. Blue sky mining - Midnight Oil 8 43
5. 6. Still got the blues - Gary Moore 4 16
6. 8. In ogni senso - Eros Ramazotti 2 8
7. Alannah Myles - Alannah Myles 1 4
8. 5. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 20 151
9. 7. Paintings in yellow - Sandra 3 8
10. 9. Storm front - Billy Joel 13 36

27. Mai 1990   (# 821)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. I do not want what I have not got - Sinead O´Connor 8 65
2. 2. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 24 201 213
3. 3. Violator - Depeche Mode 7 46
4. 6. In ogni senso - Eros Ramazotti 3 15
5. 7. Alannah Myles - Alannah Myles 2 10
6. 4. Blue sky mining - Midnight Oil 9 48
7. 5. Still got the blues - Gary Moore 5 20
8. 9. Paintings in yellow - Sandra 4 11
9. 10. Storm front - Billy Joel 14 38
10. 8. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 21 152

3. Juni 1990   (# 822)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. I do not want what I have not got - Sinead O´Connor 9 75
2. 2. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 25 210 222
3. 3. Violator - Depeche Mode 8 54
4. 5. Alannah Myles - Alannah Myles 3 17
5. 4. In ogni senso - Eros Ramazotti 4 21
6. 7. Still got the blues - Gary Moore 6 25
7. 6. Blue sky mining - Midnight Oil 10 52
8. 8. Paintings in yellow - Sandra 5 14
9. Behind the mask - Fleetwood Mac 1 2
10. 9. Storm front - Billy Joel 15 39

10. Juni 1990   (# 823)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. I do not want what I have not got - Sinead O´Connor 10 85
2. 2. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 26 219 231
3. 3. Violator - Depeche Mode 9 62
4. 5. In ogni senso - Eros Ramazotti 5 28
5. 4. Alannah Myles - Alannah Myles 4 23
6. 6. Still got the blues - Gary Moore 7 30
7. 8. Paintings in yellow - Sandra 6 18
8. 9. Behind the mask - Fleetwood Mac 2 5
9. 10. Storm front - Billy Joel 16 41
10. 7. Blue sky mining - Midnight Oil 11 53

17. Juni 1990   (# 824)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. I do not want what I have not got - Sinead O´Connor 11 95
2. 2. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 27 228 240
3. 4. In ogni senso - Eros Ramazotti 6 36
4. 5. Alannah Myles - Alannah Myles 5 30
5. 3. Violator - Depeche Mode 10 68
6. 6. Still got the blues - Gary Moore 8 35
7. 9. Storm front - Billy Joel 17 45
8. 8. Behind the mask - Fleetwood Mac 3 8
9. 7. Paintings in yellow - Sandra 7 20
10. Auf dem Kreuzzug ins Glück - Die Toten Hosen 1 1

24. Juni 1990   (# 825)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. I do not want what I have not got - Sinead O´Connor 12 105
2. 3. In ogni senso - Eros Ramazotti 7 45
3. 4. Alannah Myles - Alannah Myles 6 38
4. 2. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 28 235 247
5. 5. Violator - Depeche Mode 11 74
6. 6. Still got the blues - Gary Moore 9 40
7. 10. Auf dem Kreuzzug ins Glück - Die Toten Hosen 2 5
8. 7. Storm front - Billy Joel 18 48
9. 8. Behind the mask - Fleetwood Mac 4 10
10. I´m breathless - Madonna / SOUNDTRACK 1 1

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