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Jahrgang 1990  1. Quartal

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7. Januar 1990   (# 801)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 10 10 81
2. 2. Kein Weg zu weit - Peter Maffay 9 9 62
3. 4. Spark to a flame, the very best of - Chris de Burgh 6 8 33
4. 5. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 4 7 19
5. 3. Foreign affair - Tina Turner 13 6 95
6. 6. All or nothing - Milli Vanilli 14 5 60
7. 7. Looking for freedom - David Hasselhoff 8 4 30
8. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 1 3
9. 9. The road to hell - Chris Rea 4 2 7
10. 10. All or nothing (U.S. remix album) - Milli Vanilli 2 1 2

14. Januar 1990   (# 802)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 11 20 91
2. 3. Spark to a flame, the very best of - Chris de Burgh 7 17 42
3. 4. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 5 15 27
4. 2. Kein Weg zu weit - Peter Maffay 10 16 69
5. 5. Foreign affair - Tina Turner 14 12 101
6. 8. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 2 8
7. 9. The road to hell - Chris Rea 5 6 11
8. 10. All or nothing (U.S. remix album) - Milli Vanilli 3 4 5
9. 7. Looking for freedom - David Hasselhoff 9 6 32
10. 6. All or nothing - Milli Vanilli 15 6 61

21. Januar 1990   (# 803)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 12 30 101
2. 3. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 6 24 36
3. 2. Spark to a flame, the very best of - Chris de Burgh 8 25 50
4. 4. Kein Weg zu weit - Peter Maffay 11 23 76
5. 6. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 3 14
6. 8. All or nothing (U.S. remix album) - Milli Vanilli 4 9 10
7. 7. The road to hell - Chris Rea 6 10 15
8. 5. Foreign affair - Tina Turner 15 15 104
9. 9. Looking for freedom - David Hasselhoff 10 8 34
10. 10. All or nothing - Milli Vanilli 16 7 62

28. Januar 1990   (# 804)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 13 40 111
2. 2. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 7 33 45
3. 3. Spark to a flame, the very best of - Chris de Burgh 9 33 58
4. 5. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 4 21
5. 7. The road to hell - Chris Rea 7 16 21
6. 6. All or nothing (U.S. remix album) - Milli Vanilli 5 14 15
7. 4. Kein Weg zu weit - Peter Maffay 12 27 80
8. 8. Foreign affair - Tina Turner 16 18 107
9. RE Halleluja - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 16 2 105
10. 9. Looking for freedom - David Hasselhoff 11 9 35

4. Februar 1990   (# 805)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 8 43 55
2. 1. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 14 49 120
3. 4. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 5 29
4. 3. Spark to a flame, the very best of - Chris de Burgh 10 40 65
5. 5. The road to hell - Chris Rea 8 22 27
6. 6. All or nothing (U.S. remix album) - Milli Vanilli 6 19 20
7. 7. Kein Weg zu weit - Peter Maffay 13 31 84
8. 8. Foreign affair - Tina Turner 17 21 110
9. 9. Halleluja - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 17 4 107
10. 10. Looking for freedom - David Hasselhoff 12 10 36

11. Februar 1990   (# 806)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 9 53 65
2. 2. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 15 58 129
3. 3. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 6 37
4. 5. The road to hell - Chris Rea 9 29 34
5. 6. All or nothing (U.S. remix album) - Milli Vanilli 7 25 26
6. 4. Spark to a flame, the very best of - Chris de Burgh 11 45 70
7. 9. Halleluja - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 18 8 111
8. 7. Kein Weg zu weit - Peter Maffay 14 34 87
9. 8. Foreign affair - Tina Turner 18 23 112
10. Storm front - Billy Joel 1 1

18. Februar 1990   (# 807)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 10 63 75
2. 3. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 7 46
3. 2. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 16 66 137
4. 4. The road to hell - Chris Rea 10 36 41
5. 5. All or nothing (U.S. remix album) - Milli Vanilli 8 31 32
6. 6. Spark to a flame, the very best of - Chris de Burgh 12 50 75
7. 7. Halleluja - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 19 12 115
8. 9. Foreign affair - Tina Turner 19 26 115
9. 8. Kein Weg zu weit - Peter Maffay 15 36 89
10. Hangin´ tough - New Kids On The Block 1 1

25. Februar 1990   (# 808)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 11 73 85
2. 2. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 8 55
3. 3. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 17 74 145
4. 4. The road to hell - Chris Rea 11 43 48
5. 5. All or nothing (U.S. remix album) - Milli Vanilli 9 37 38
6. 6. Spark to a flame, the very best of - Chris de Burgh 13 55 80
7. 7. Halleluja - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 20 16 119
8. 10. Hangin´ tough - New Kids On The Block 2 4
9. 8. Foreign affair - Tina Turner 20 28 117
10. The sweet keeper - Tanita Tikaram 1 1

4. März 1990   (# 809)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 12 83 95
2. 2. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 9 64
3. 3. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 18 82 153
4. 4. The road to hell - Chris Rea 12 50 55
5. 5. All or nothing (U.S. remix album) - Milli Vanilli 10 43 44
6. 7. Halleluja - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 21 21 124
7. 6. Spark to a flame, the very best of - Chris de Burgh 14 59 84
8. 8. Hangin´ tough - New Kids On The Block 3 7
9. 10. The sweet keeper - Tanita Tikaram 2 3
10. RE Storm front - Billy Joel 2 2

11. März 1990   (# 810)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 13 93 105
2. 2. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 10 73
3. 4. The road to hell - Chris Rea 13 58 63
4. 3. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 19 89 160
5. 6. Halleluja - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 22 27 130
6. 8. Hangin´ tough - New Kids On The Block 4 12
7. 9. The sweet keeper - Tanita Tikaram 3 7
8. 5. All or nothing (U.S. remix album) - Milli Vanilli 11 46 47
9. 10. Storm front - Billy Joel 3 4
10. 7. Spark to a flame, the very best of - Chris de Burgh 15 60 85

18. März 1990   (# 811)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 14 103 115
2. 2. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 11 82
3. 3. The road to hell - Chris Rea 14 66 71
4. 4. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 20 96 167
5. 7. The sweet keeper - Tanita Tikaram 4 13
6. 6. Hangin´ tough - New Kids On The Block 5 17
7. 5. Halleluja - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 23 31 134
8. 9. Storm front - Billy Joel 4 7
9. 8. All or nothing (U.S. remix album) - Milli Vanilli 12 48 49
10. Back on the block - Quincy Jones 1 1

25. März 1990   (# 812)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. ...but seriously - Phil Collins 15 113 125
2. 2. Affection - Lisa Stansfield 12 91
3. 3. The road to hell - Chris Rea 15 74 79
4. 5. The sweet keeper - Tanita Tikaram 5 20
5. 6. Hangin´ tough - New Kids On The Block 6 23
6. 4. Crossroads - Tracy Chapman 21 101 172
7. 7. Halleluja - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 24 35 138
8. 8. Storm front - Billy Joel 5 10
9. 10. Back on the block - Quincy Jones 2 3
10. RE Foreign affair - Tina Turner 21 29 118

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