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Jahrgang 1985  4. Quartal

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6. Oktober 1985   (# 584)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 19 168
2. 2. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 18 134
3. 3. Like a virgin - Madonna 7 38
4. 4. Misplaced childhood - Marillion 11 77
5. 5. Behaviour - Saga 6 23
6. 9. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 2 7
7. 7. Private dancer - Tina Turner 41 151 230
8. 6. Feuer und Flamme - Nena 11 54
9. 8. Tao - Rick Springfield 14 45
10. 10. The 1st album - Modern Talking 22 145

13. Oktober 1985   (# 585)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 20 178
2. 3. Like a virgin - Madonna 8 47
3. 2. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 19 142
4. 6. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 3 14
5. 4. Misplaced childhood - Marillion 12 83
6. 5. Behaviour - Saga 7 28
7. 7. Private dancer - Tina Turner 42 155 234
8. 9. Tao - Rick Springfield 15 48
9. 8. Feuer und Flamme - Nena 12 56
10. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 1 1

20. Oktober 1985   (# 586)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 21 188
2. 2. Like a virgin - Madonna 9 56
3. 3. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 20 150
4. 4. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 4 21
5. 5. Misplaced childhood - Marillion 13 89
6. 6. Behaviour - Saga 8 33
7. 7. Private dancer - Tina Turner 43 159 238
8. 10. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 2 4
9. 8. Tao - Rick Springfield 16 50
10. Mittendrin - Howard Carpendale 1 1

27. Oktober 1985   (# 587)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Like a virgin - Madonna 10 66
2. 1. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 22 197
3. 3. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 21 158
4. 4. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 5 28
5. 5. Misplaced childhood - Marillion 14 95
6. 6. Behaviour - Saga 9 38
7. 8. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 3 8
8. 7. Private dancer - Tina Turner 44 162 241
9. 10. Mittendrin - Howard Carpendale 2 3
10. Du gehörst zu mir - Roger Whittaker 1 1

3. November 1985   (# 588)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Like a virgin - Madonna 11 76
2. 4. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 6 37
3. 3. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 22 166
4. 2. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 23 204
5. 7. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 4 14
6. 5. Misplaced childhood - Marillion 15 100
7. 6. Behaviour - Saga 10 42
8. 8. Private dancer - Tina Turner 45 165 244
9. 9. Mittendrin - Howard Carpendale 3 5
10. 10. Du gehörst zu mir - Roger Whittaker 2 2

10. November 1985   (# 589)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 7 47
2. 1. Like a virgin - Madonna 12 85
3. 3. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 23 174
4. 4. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 24 211
5. 5. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 5 20
6. 6. Misplaced childhood - Marillion 16 105
7. 7. Behaviour - Saga 11 46
8. 8. Private dancer - Tina Turner 46 168 247
9. 9. Mittendrin - Howard Carpendale 4 7
10. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 1 1

17. November 1985   (# 590)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 8 57
2. 3. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 24 183
3. 2. Like a virgin - Madonna 13 93
4. 5. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 6 27
5. 4. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 25 217
6. 10. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 2 6
7. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 1 4
8. 9. Mittendrin - Howard Carpendale 5 10
9. 6. Misplaced childhood - Marillion 17 107
10. RE Du gehörst zu mir - Roger Whittaker 3 3

24. November 1985   (# 591)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 9 67
2. 2. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 25 192
3. 4. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 7 35
4. 3. Like a virgin - Madonna 14 100
5. 5. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 26 223
6. 6. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 3 11
7. 7. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 2 8
8. 8. Mittendrin - Howard Carpendale 6 13
9. Shilly shally - Fritz Brause 1 2
10. 10. Du gehörst zu mir - Roger Whittaker 4 4

1. Dezember 1985   (# 592)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 10 77
2. 2. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 26 201
3. 3. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 8 43
4. 6. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 4 18
5. 4. Like a virgin - Madonna 15 106
6. 7. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 3 13
7. 5. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 27 227
8. 8. Mittendrin - Howard Carpendale 7 16
9. Promise - Sade 1 2
10. 9. Shilly shally - Fritz Brause 2 3

8. Dezember 1985   (# 593)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 11 87
2. 3. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 9 52
3. 2. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 27 209
4. 4. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 5 25
5. 6. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 4 19
6. 5. Like a virgin - Madonna 16 111
7. 9. Promise - Sade 2 6
8. 7. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 28 230
9. Afterburner - ZZ Top 1 2
10. 10. Shilly shally - Fritz Brause 3 4

15. Dezember 1985   (# 594)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 12 97
2. 4. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 6 34
3. 2. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 10 60
4. 3. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 28 216
5. 5. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 5 25
6. 7. Promise - Sade 3 11
7. 6. Like a virgin - Madonna 17 115
8. 9. Afterburner - ZZ Top 2 5
9. RE Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 12 69
10. 8. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 29 231

22. Dezember 1985   (# 595)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 7 44
2. 1. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 13 106
3. 5. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 6 33
4. 4. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 29 223
5. 3. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 11 66
6. 6. Promise - Sade 4 16
7. 8. Afterburner - ZZ Top 3 9
8. 9. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 13 72
9. 7. Like a virgin - Madonna 18 117
10. RE Shilly shally - Fritz Brause 4 5

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