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Jahrgang 1985  2. Quartal

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7. April 1985   (# 558)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 39 133 341
2. 2. Agent provocateur - Foreigner 10 72
3. 3. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 5 31
4. 5. Vulture culture - The Alan Parsons Project 3 17
5. 6. No jacket required - Phil Collins 3 12
6. 4. Rebel yell - Billy Idol 9 48
7. 7. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 6 22
8. Songs from the big chair - Tears For Fears 1 3
9. 9. Chess - SOUNDTRACK 7 22
10. She´s the boss - Mick Jagger 1 1

14. April 1985   (# 559)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 40 143 351
2. 2. Agent provocateur - Foreigner 11 81
3. 5. No jacket required - Phil Collins 4 20
4. 3. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 6 38
5. 4. Vulture culture - The Alan Parsons Project 4 23
6. 7. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 7 27
7. 6. Rebel yell - Billy Idol 10 52
8. 8. Songs from the big chair - Tears For Fears 2 6
9. 10. She´s the boss - Mick Jagger 2 3
10. RE Alf - Alison Moyet 3 3

21. April 1985   (# 560)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 41 153 361
2. 3. No jacket required - Phil Collins 5 29
3. 4. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 7 46
4. 2. Agent provocateur - Foreigner 12 88
5. 5. Vulture culture - The Alan Parsons Project 5 29
6. 6. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 8 32
7. 9. She´s the boss - Mick Jagger 3 7
8. 8. Songs from the big chair - Tears For Fears 3 9
9. RE Private dancer - Tina Turner 22 49 128
10. 7. Rebel yell - Billy Idol 11 53

28. April 1985   (# 561)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 42 163 371
2. 2. No jacket required - Phil Collins 6 38
3. 3. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 8 54
4. 5. Vulture culture - The Alan Parsons Project 6 36
5. 6. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 9 38
6. 4. Agent provocateur - Foreigner 13 93
7. 9. Private dancer - Tina Turner 23 53 132
8. 7. She´s the boss - Mick Jagger 4 10
9. 8. Songs from the big chair - Tears For Fears 4 11
10. Nightshift - The Commodores 1 1

5. Mai 1985   (# 562)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. No jacket required - Phil Collins 7 48
2. 1. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 43 172 380
3. 4. Vulture culture - The Alan Parsons Project 7 44
4. 5. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 10 45
5. 3. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 9 60
6. 7. Private dancer - Tina Turner 24 58 137
7. 9. Songs from the big chair - Tears For Fears 5 15
8. 8. She´s the boss - Mick Jagger 5 13
9. 6. Agent provocateur - Foreigner 14 95
10. 10. Nightshift - The Commodores 2 2

12. Mai 1985   (# 563)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. No jacket required - Phil Collins 8 58
2. 2. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 44 181 389
3. 6. Private dancer - Tina Turner 25 66 145
4. 4. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 11 52
5. 3. Vulture culture - The Alan Parsons Project 8 50
6. 5. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 10 65
7. 7. Songs from the big chair - Tears For Fears 6 19
8. 8. She´s the boss - Mick Jagger 6 16
9. The 1st album - Modern Talking 1 2
10. 10. Nightshift - The Commodores 3 3

19. Mai 1985   (# 564)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. No jacket required - Phil Collins 9 68
2. 3. Private dancer - Tina Turner 26 75 154
3. 2. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 45 189 397
4. 4. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 12 59
5. 7. Songs from the big chair - Tears For Fears 7 25
6. 5. Vulture culture - The Alan Parsons Project 9 55
7. 8. She´s the boss - Mick Jagger 7 20
8. 9. The 1st album - Modern Talking 2 5
9. 6. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush (RE) 11 67
10. 10. Nightshift - The Commodores 4 4

26. Mai 1985   (# 565)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. No jacket required - Phil Collins 10 78
2. 2. Private dancer - Tina Turner 27 84 163
3. 3. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 46 197 405
4. 4. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 13 66
5. 8. The 1st album - Modern Talking 3 11
6. 5. Songs from the big chair - Tears For Fears 8 30
7. 7. She´s the boss - Mick Jagger 8 24
8. 6. Vulture culture - The Alan Parsons Project 10 58
9. 10. Nightshift - The Commodores 5 6
10. Live is life - Opus 1 1

2. Juni 1985   (# 566)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. No jacket required - Phil Collins 11 88
2. 2. Private dancer - Tina Turner 28 93 172
3. 4. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 14 74
4. 5. The 1st album - Modern Talking 4 18
5. 3. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 47 203 411
6. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 1 5
7. Beverly hills cop - SOUNDTRACK 1 4
8. 9. Nightshift - The Commodores 6 9
9. 10. Live is life - Opus 2 3
10. 7. She´s the boss - Mick Jagger 9 25

9. Juni 1985   (# 567)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. No jacket required - Phil Collins 12 98
2. 2. Private dancer - Tina Turner 29 102 181
3. 4. The 1st album - Modern Talking 5 26
4. 3. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 15 81
5. 5. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 48 209 417
6. 6. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 2 10
7. 7. Beverly hills cop - SOUNDTRACK 2 8
8. 9. Live is life - Opus 3 6
9. 8. Nightshift - The Commodores 7 11
10. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 1 1

16. Juni 1985   (# 568)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. No jacket required - Phil Collins 13 108
2. 2. Private dancer - Tina Turner 30 111 190
3. 3. The 1st album - Modern Talking 6 34
4. 4. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 16 88
5. 6. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 3 16
6. 7. Beverly hills cop - SOUNDTRACK 3 13
7. 5. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 49 213 421
8. 10. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 2 4
9. 8. Live is life - Opus 4 8
10. 9. Nightshift - The Commodores 8 12

23. Juni 1985   (# 569)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 3. The 1st album - Modern Talking 7 44
2. 1. No jacket required - Phil Collins 14 117
3. 2. Private dancer - Tina Turner 31 119 198
4. 4. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 17 95
5. 5. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 4 22
6. 6. Beverly hills cop - SOUNDTRACK 4 18
7. 8. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 3 8
8. 9. Live is life - Opus 5 11
9. Brother where you bound - Supertramp 1 2
10. 7. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 50 214 422

30. Juni 1985   (# 570)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The 1st album - Modern Talking 8 54
2. 5. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen 5 31
3. 2. No jacket required - Phil Collins 15 125
4. 4. Whose side are you on - Matt Bianco 18 102
5. 3. Private dancer - Tina Turner 32 125 204
6. 6. Beverly hills cop - SOUNDTRACK 5 23
7. 7. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 4 12
8. 9. Brother where you bound - Supertramp 2 5
9. 8. Live is life - Opus 6 13
10. 10. 4630 Bochum - Herbert Grönemeyer 51 215 423

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