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Jahrgang 1978  4. Quartal

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1. Oktober 1978   (# 219)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 12 97
2. 2. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 22 187
3. 3. Pyramid - The Alan Parsons Project 12 81
4. 4. ...and then there were three - Genesis 20 149
5. 5. Watch - Manfred Mann´s Earth Band 16 70
6. 6. City to city - Gerry Rafferty 12 62
7. 7. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 3 11
8. 8. Some girls - The Rolling Stones 6 16
9. 10. World of today - Supermax 3 4
10. 9. Sweet revenge - Amanda Lear 14 34

8. Oktober 1978   (# 220)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 13 107
2. 2. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 23 196
3. 3. Pyramid - The Alan Parsons Project 13 89
4. 4. ...and then there were three - Genesis 21 156
5. 5. Watch - Manfred Mann´s Earth Band 17 76
6. 6. City to city - Gerry Rafferty 13 67
7. 7. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 4 15
8. 8. Some girls - The Rolling Stones 7 19
9. 9. World of today - Supermax 4 6
10. 10. Sweet revenge - Amanda Lear 15 35

15. Oktober 1978   (# 221)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 14 117
2. 2. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 24 205
3. 3. Pyramid - The Alan Parsons Project 14 97
4. 4. ...and then there were three - Genesis 22 163
5. 5. Watch - Manfred Mann´s Earth Band 18 82
6. 7. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 5 20
7. 6. City to city - Gerry Rafferty 14 71
8. 8. Some girls - The Rolling Stones 8 22
9. 20 Diamant Hits - Neil Diamond 1 2
10. 9. World of today - Supermax 5 7

22. Oktober 1978   (# 222)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 15 127
2. 2. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 25 214
3. 5. Watch - Manfred Mann´s Earth Band 19 90
4. 6. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 6 27
5. 3. Pyramid - The Alan Parsons Project 15 103
6. 4. ...and then there were three - Genesis 23 168
7. 7. City to city - Gerry Rafferty 15 75
8. 9. 20 Diamant Hits - Neil Diamond 2 5
9. 10. World of today - Supermax 6 9
10. RE Wish you were here - Pink Floyd 33 1 177

29. Oktober 1978   (# 223)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 16 137
2. 2. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 26 223
3. 4. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 7 35
4. 3. Watch - Manfred Mann´s Earth Band 20 97
5. 5. Pyramid - The Alan Parsons Project 16 109
6. 6. ...and then there were three - Genesis 24 173
7. 8. 20 Diamant Hits - Neil Diamond 3 9
8. 9. World of today - Supermax 7 12
9. 7. City to city - Gerry Rafferty 16 77
10. 10. Wish you were here - Pink Floyd 34 2 178

5. November 1978   (# 224)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 17 147
2. 2. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 27 232
3. 3. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 8 43
4. 5. Pyramid - The Alan Parsons Project 17 116
5. 4. Watch - Manfred Mann´s Earth Band 21 103
6. 7. 20 Diamant Hits - Neil Diamond 4 14
7. 6. ...and then there were three - Genesis 25 177
8. 8. World of today - Supermax 8 15
9. 20 Welthits im Gitarrensound - Ricky King 1 2
10. 9. City to city - Gerry Rafferty 17 78

12. November 1978   (# 225)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 18 157
2. 3. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 9 52
3. 2. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 28 240
4. 6. 20 Diamant Hits - Neil Diamond 5 21
5. 4. Pyramid - The Alan Parsons Project 18 122
6. 8. World of today - Supermax 9 20
7. 5. Watch - Manfred Mann´s Earth Band 22 107
8. 9. 20 Welthits im Gitarrensound - Ricky King 2 5
9. 7. ...and then there were three - Genesis 26 179
10. The Montreux Album - Smokie 1 1

19. November 1978   (# 226)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 19 167
2. 2. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 10 61
3. 3. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 29 248
4. 8. 20 Welthits im Gitarrensound - Ricky King 3 12
5. 6. World of today - Supermax 10 26
6. 4. 20 Diamant Hits - Neil Diamond 6 26
7. 5. Pyramid - The Alan Parsons Project 19 126
8. 7. Watch - Manfred Mann´s Earth Band 23 110
9. 9. ...and then there were three - Genesis 27 181
10. 10. The Montreux Album - Smokie 2 2

26. November 1978   (# 227)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 11 71
2. 1. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 20 176
3. 3. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 30 256
4. 4. 20 Welthits im Gitarrensound - Ricky King 4 19
5. 5. World of today - Supermax 11 32
6. 6. 20 Diamant Hits - Neil Diamond 7 31
7. 10. The Montreux Album - Smokie 3 6
8. 7. Pyramid - The Alan Parsons Project 20 129
9. 9. ...and then there were three - Genesis 28 183
10. 8. Watch - Manfred Mann´s Earth Band 24 111

3. Dezember 1978   (# 228)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 12 81
2. 2. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 21 185
3. 4. 20 Welthits im Gitarrensound - Ricky King 5 27
4. 3. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 31 263
5. 5. World of today - Supermax 12 38
6. 6. 20 Diamant Hits - Neil Diamond 8 36
7. 7. The Montreux Album - Smokie 4 10
8. Moonlight melodies - Billy Vaughn 1 3
9. 8. Pyramid - The Alan Parsons Project 21 131
10. Nimm mich mit, Freddy - Freddy Quinn 1 1

10. Dezember 1978   (# 229)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 13 91
2. 2. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 22 194
3. 3. 20 Welthits im Gitarrensound - Ricky King 6 35
4. 5. World of today - Supermax 13 45
5. 7. The Montreux Album - Smokie 5 16
6. 4. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 32 268
7. 8. Moonlight melodies - Billy Vaughn 2 7
8. 6. 20 Diamant Hits - Neil Diamond 9 39
9. 9. Pyramid - The Alan Parsons Project (RE) 22 133
10. Melodien der Welt - Anthony Ventura 1 1

17. Dezember 1978   (# 230)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 14 101
2. 2. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 23 203
3. 3. 20 Welthits im Gitarrensound - Ricky King 7 43
4. 4. World of today - Supermax 14 52
5. 5. The Montreux Album - Smokie 6 22
6. 7. Moonlight melodies - Billy Vaughn 3 12
7. 6. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 33 272
8. 8. 20 Diamant Hits - Neil Diamond 10 42
9. 10. Melodien der Welt - Anthony Ventura 2 3
10. RE Nimm mich mit, Freddy - Freddy Quinn 2 2

24. Dezember 1978   (# 231)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 15 111
2. 3. 20 Welthits im Gitarrensound - Ricky King 8 52
3. 2. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 24 211
4. 6. Moonlight melodies - Billy Vaughn 4 19
5. 4. World of today - Supermax 15 58
6. 5. The Montreux Album - Smokie 7 27
7. 9. Melodien der Welt - Anthony Ventura 3 7
8. 7. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 34 275
9. 8. 20 Diamant Hits - Neil Diamond 11 44
10. Mach mal wieder Tanztag - Max Greger 1 1

31. Dezember 1978   (# 232)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Grease - SOUNDTRACK 16 121
2. 2. 20 Welthits im Gitarrensound - Ricky King 9 61
3. 3. Nightflight to Venus - Boney M. 25 219
4. 4. Moonlight melodies - Billy Vaughn 5 26
5. 6. The Montreux Album - Smokie 8 33
6. 5. World of today - Supermax 16 63
7. 7. Melodien der Welt - Anthony Ventura 4 11
8. 10. Mach mal wieder Tanztag - Max Greger 2 4
9. 8. Saturday night fever - SOUNDTRACK / Bee Gees 35 277
10. RE Nimm mich mit, Freddy - Freddy Quinn 3 3

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