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Jahrgang 1977  1. Halbjahr

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Januar 1977   (# 175)




Titel - Interpret Monat


1. 1. Beautiful noise - Neil Diamond 4,5 10 72
2. 2. The very best of - ABBA 3,5 9 53
3. 5. Take the heat off me - Boney M. 2,5 8 30
4. 3. The best of - ABBA 10,5 7 153
5. 10. Arrival - ABBA 1,5 6 8
6. 4. Seine 20 größten Hits - Glenn Miller 1,5 5 19
7. Dedication - Bay City Rollers 0,5 4
8. 6. The best of - Roger Whittaker 6,5 3 83
9. Comes alive - Peter Frampton 0,5 2
10. 7. Greatest hits - Cat Stevens 5,5 (22) 1 (2) 35 (70)

(# 176)




Titel - Interpret Monat


1. 1. Beautiful noise - Neil Diamond 5 20 82
2. 2. The very best of - ABBA 4 18 62
3. 3. Take the heat off me - Boney M. 3 16 38
4. 5. Arrival - ABBA 2 13 15
5. 4. The best of - ABBA 11 13 159
6. 7. Dedication - Bay City Rollers 1 9
7. Und es war Sommer - Peter Maffay 0,5 4
8. 6. Seine 20 größten Hits - Glenn Miller 2 8 22
9. 8. The best of - Roger Whittaker 7 (28) 5 (10) 85 (170)
10. Sister King Kong - Udo Lindenberg 0,5 (2) 1 (2)

Februar 1977   (# 177)




Titel - Interpret Monat


1. 1. Beautiful noise - Neil Diamond 5,5 30 92
2. 4. Arrival - ABBA 2,5 22 24
3. 2. The very best of - ABBA 4,5 26 70
4. 3. Take the heat off me - Boney M. 3,5 23 45
5. 6. Dedication - Bay City Rollers 1,5 15
6. 5. The best of - ABBA 11,5 18 164
7. RE Comes alive - Peter Frampton 1 6
8. 7. Und es war Sommer - Peter Maffay 1 7
9. 8. Seine 20 größten Hits - Glenn Miller 2,5 10 24
10. RE 1962-1966 - The Beatles 35,5 1 505

(# 178)




Titel - Interpret Monat


1. 1. Beautiful noise - Neil Diamond 6 40 102
2. 2. Arrival - ABBA 3 31 33
3. 3. The very best of - ABBA 5 34 78
4. 4. Take the heat off me - Boney M. 4 30 52
5. 5. Dedication - Bay City Rollers 2 21
6. 7. Comes alive - Peter Frampton 1,5 11
7. 8. Und es war Sommer - Peter Maffay 1,5 11
8. 6. The best of - ABBA 12 21 167
9. 9. Seine 20 größten Hits - Glenn Miller 3 (12) 12 (24) 26 (52)
10. 10. 1962-1966 - The Beatles 36 (144) 2 (4) 506 (1012)

März 1977   (# 179)




Titel - Interpret Monat


1. 2. Arrival - ABBA 3,5 41 43
2. 1. Beautiful noise - Neil Diamond 6,5 49 111
3. 3. The very best of - ABBA 5,5 42 86
4. 4. Take the heat off me - Boney M. 4,5 37 59
5. 5. Dedication - Bay City Rollers 2,5 27
6. 6. Comes alive - Peter Frampton 2 16
7. 7. Und es war Sommer - Peter Maffay 2 15
8. 8. The best of - ABBA 12,5 (50) 24 (48) 170 (340)
9. RE Wish you were here - Pink Floyd 6,5 2 84
10. Animals - Pink Floyd 0,5 1

(# 180)




Titel - Interpret Monat


1. 1. Arrival - ABBA 4 51 53
2. 3. The very best of - ABBA 6 51 95
3. 4. Take the heat off me - Boney M. 5 45 67
4. 2. Beautiful noise - Neil Diamond 7 56 118
5. 5. Dedication - Bay City Rollers 3 33
6. 10. Animals - Pink Floyd 1 6
7. 7. Und es war Sommer - Peter Maffay 2,5 (10) 19 (38)
8. Zanders Zorn - Frank Zander 0,5 3
9. 6. Comes alive - Peter Frampton 2,5 18
10. 9. Wish you were here - Pink Floyd 7 3 85

April 1977   (# 181)




Titel - Interpret Monat


1. 1. Arrival - ABBA 4,5 61 63
2. 3. Take the heat off me - Boney M. 5,5 54 76
3. 2. The very best of - ABBA 6,5 59 103
4. 6. Animals - Pink Floyd 1,5 13
5. 4. Beautiful noise - Neil Diamond 7,5 62 124
6. 5. Dedication - Bay City Rollers 3,5 38
7. 8. Zanders Zorn - Frank Zander 1 7
8. 9. Comes alive - Peter Frampton 3 (12) 21 (42)
9. 10. Wish you were here - Pink Floyd 7,5 5 87
10. Boston - Boston 0,5 1

(# 182)




Titel - Interpret Monat


1. 1. Arrival - ABBA 5 71 73
2. 4. Animals - Pink Floyd 2 22
3. 2. Take the heat off me - Boney M. 6 62 84
4. 7. Zanders Zorn - Frank Zander 1,5 14
5. 3. The very best of - ABBA 7 65 109
6. 6. Dedication - Bay City Rollers 4 43
7. 5. Beautiful noise - Neil Diamond 8 66 128
8. Live - Status Quo 0,5 3
9. 10. Boston - Boston 1 3
10. 9. Wish you were here - Pink Floyd (RE) 8 (32) 6 (12) 88 (176)

Mai 1977   (# 183)




Titel - Interpret Monat


1. 1. Arrival - ABBA 5,5 81 83
2. 2. Animals - Pink Floyd 2,5 31
3. 3. Take the heat off me - Boney M. 6,5 70 92
4. 4. Zanders Zorn - Frank Zander 2 21
5. 8. Live - Status Quo 1 9
6. 5. The very best of - ABBA 7,5 70 114
7. 9. Boston - Boston 1,5 7
8. 6. Dedication - Bay City Rollers 4,5 46
9. 7. Beautiful noise - Neil Diamond 8,5 (34) 68 (136) 130 (260)
10. X - Chicago 0,5 1

(# 184)




Titel - Interpret Monat


1 1. Arrival - ABBA 6 91 93
2. 2. Animals - Pink Floyd 3 40
3. 3. Take the heat off me - Boney M. 7 78 100
4. 4. Zanders Zorn - Frank Zander 2,5 28
5. 5. Live - Status Quo 1,5 15
6. 7. Boston - Boston 2 12
7. 6. The very best of - ABBA 8 (32) 74 (148) 118 (236)
8. 8. Dedication - Bay City Rollers 5 49
9. 10. X - Chicago 1 3
10. Midnight café - Smokie 0,5 (2) 1 (2)

Juni 1977   (# 185)




Titel - Interpret Monat


1. 1. Arrival - ABBA 6,6 101 103
2. 2. Animals - Pink Floyd 3,5 49
3. 5. Live - Status Quo 2 23
4. 4. Zanders Zorn - Frank Zander 3 35
5. 3. Take the heat off me - Boney M. 7,5 84 106
6. 6. Boston - Boston 2,5 17
7. Greatest hits - Smokie 0,5 4
8. Das Wort zum Montag - Otto 0,5 3
9. 9. X - Chicago 1,5 5
10. 8. Dedication - Bay City Rollers 5,5 (22) 50 (100)

(# 186)




Titel - Interpret Monat


1. 2. Animals - Pink Floyd 4 59
2. 1. Arrival - ABBA 7 110 112
3. 3. Live - Status Quo 2,5 31
4. 7. Greatest hits - Smokie 1 11
5. 4. Zanders Zorn - Frank Zander 3,5 41
6. 8. Das Wort zum Montag - Otto 1 8
7. 6. Boston - Boston 3 21
8. 5. Take the heat off me - Boney M. 8 87 109
9. 9. X - Chicago 2 (8) 7 (14)
10. Spielt Robert Stolz - James Last 0,5 1

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