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Die beliebtesten Songs der youfm Playlist

Jahrgang 2020  2. Quartal

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5. April 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. 1. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 17 276 332
2. 8. Physical - Dua Lipa 8 74
3. 2. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 9 159
4. 4. Thank you - VIZE & Felix Jaehn 6 93
5. 3. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 10 174
6. 6. Alone (part 2) - Alan Walker & Ava Max 7 87
7. 13. Sicko - Felix Jaehn feat. Gashi & Faangs 2 22
8. 9. Like I love you - Nico Santos & Topic 3 38
9. 11. Boyfriend - Mabel 3 30
10. 7. Ride it - Regard 25 229 436
11. 10. Wieso tust du dir das an? - Apache 207 17 184 236
12. RE Everything I wanted - Billie Eilish 16 140 218
13. 16. You should be sad - Halsey 7 43
14. 5. Hot girl bummer - Blackbear 10 115
15. Stupid love - Lady Gaga 1 6
16. 14. Your favourite song - YOUNOTUS & Julian Perretta 3 14
17. 12. Close your eyes - Felix Jaehn & VIZE feat. Miss Li 16 102 115
18. 19. Roxanne - Arizona Zervas 9 30
19. 17. In your eyes - Robin Schulz feat. Alida 9 91
20. RE Salt - Ava Max 2 5
20. RE Ritmo - Black Eyed Peas feat. J Balvin 11 133

12. April 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. 5. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 11 194
2. 1. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 18 295 351
3. 20. Ritmo - Black Eyed Peas feat. J Balvin 12 151
4. 4. Thank you - VIZE & Felix Jaehn 7 110
5. Intentions - Justin Bieber feat. Quavo 1 16
5. 6. Alone (part 2) - Alan Walker & Ava Max 8 103
7. 2. Physical - Dua Lipa 9 88
8. 20. Salt - Ava Max 3 18
9. 3. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 10 171
10. 7. Sicko - Felix Jaehn feat. Gashi & Faangs 3 33
11. 8. Like I love you - Nico Santos & Topic 4 48
12. 9. Boyfriend - Mabel 4 39
13. 15. Stupid love - Lady Gaga 2 14
14. 11. Wieso tust du dir das an? - Apache 207 18 191 243
15. 13. You should be sad - Halsey 8 49
16. 19. In your eyes - Robin Schulz feat. Alida 10 96
17. RE 110 - Capital Bra & Samra feat. Lea 22 91 241
18. 16. Your favourite song - YOUNOTUS & Julian Perretta 4 17
19. 10. Ride it - Regard 26 231 438
20. 12. Everything I wanted - Billie Eilish 17 141 219

19. April 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. 1. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 12 214
2. 2. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 19 314 370
3. 5. Alone (part 2) - Alan Walker & Ava Max 9 121
4. 8. Salt - Ava Max 4 35
5. 11. Like I love you - Nico Santos & Topic 5 64
6. Some say (Felix Jaehn remix) - Nea 1 15
7. 7. Physical - Dua Lipa 10 102
8. 3. Ritmo - Black Eyed Peas feat. J Balvin 13 164
9. 19. Ride it - Regard 27 243 450
10. 9. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 11 182
10. 16. In your eyes - Robin Schulz feat. Alida 11 107
12. 14. Wieso tust du dir das an? - Apache 207 19 200 252
13. Say so - Doja Cat 1 8
14. 10. Sicko - Felix Jaehn feat. Gashi & Faangs 4 40
15. 5. Intentions - Justin Bieber feat. Quavo 2 22
16. 12. Boyfriend - Mabel 5 44
17. 4. Thank you - VIZE & Felix Jaehn 8 114
18. 17. 110 - Capital Bra & Samra feat. Lea 23 94 244
19. 13. Stupid love - Lady Gaga 3 16
20. RE Turn me on - Riton & Oliver Heldens feat. Vula 14 114 143

26. April 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. 1. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 13 234
2. 2. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 20 333 389
3. 10. In your eyes - Robin Schulz feat. Alida 12 125
4. 10. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 12 199
5. 6. Some say (Felix Jaehn remix) - Nea 2 31
6. 3. Alone (part 2) - Alan Walker & Ava Max 10 136
7. 4. Salt - Ava Max 5 49
8. 9. Ride it - Regard 28 256 463
9. 5. Like I love you - Nico Santos & Topic 6 76
10. 14. Sicko - Felix Jaehn feat. Gashi & Faangs 5 51
11. 7. Physical - Dua Lipa 11 113
12. 13. Say so - Doja Cat 2 17
13. 8. Ritmo - Black Eyed Peas feat. J Balvin 14 172
14. 12. Wieso tust du dir das an? - Apache 207 20 207 259
15. 17. Thank you - VIZE & Felix Jaehn 9 120
16. Break my heart - Dua Lipa 1 5
17. 19. Stupid love - Lady Gaga 4 20
18. 18. 110 - Capital Bra & Samra feat. Lea 24 97 247
19. RE Everything I wanted - Billie Eilish 18 143 221
20. Know your worth - Khalid x Disclosure 1 1

3. Mai 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. 1. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 14 254
2. 2. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 21 352 408
3. 3. In your eyes - Robin Schulz feat. Alida 13 143
4. 4. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 13 216
5. 5. Some say (Felix Jaehn remix) - Nea 3 47
6. 8. Ride it - Regard 29 271 478
7. Supalonely - Benee feat. Gus Dapperton 1 14
8. 12. Say so - Doja Cat 3 30
9. 10. Sicko - Felix Jaehn feat. Gashi & Faangs 6 63
10. 20. Know your worth - Khalid x Disclosure 2 12
11. RE Boyfriend - Mabel 6 54
12. 16. Break my heart - Dua Lipa 2 14
13. 14. Wieso tust du dir das an? - Apache 207 21 215 267
14. 11. Physical - Dua Lipa 12 120
15. 13. Ritmo - Black Eyed Peas feat. J Balvin 15 178
16. 7. Salt - Ava Max 6 54
17. ily - Surf Mesa feat. Emilee 1 4
18. 9. Like I love you - Nico Santos & Topic 7 79
19. 6. Alone (part 2) - Alan Walker & Ava Max 11 138
20. 15. Thank you - VIZE & Felix Jaehn 10 121

10. Mai 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. 1. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 15 274
2. 2. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 22 371 427
3. 7. Supalonely - Benee feat. Gus Dapperton 2 32
4. 17. ily - Surf Mesa feat. Emilee 2 21
5. Kings and Queens - Ava Max 1 16
6. 3. In your eyes - Robin Schulz feat. Alida 14 158
7. 6. Ride it - Regard 30 285 492
8. 4. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 14 229
9. 8. Say so - Doja Cat 4 42
10. RE Turn me on - Riton & Oliver Heldens feat. Vula 15 125 154
11. 5. Some say (Felix Jaehn remix) - Nea 4 57
12. 15. Ritmo - Black Eyed Peas feat. J Balvin 16 187
13. 10. Know your worth - Khalid x Disclosure 3 20
14. In my bones - Ray Dalton 1 7
15. 12. Break my heart - Dua Lipa 3 20
15. 11. Boyfriend - Mabel 7 60
17. 19. Alone (part 2) - Alan Walker & Ava Max 12 142
18. 20. Thank you - VIZE & Felix Jaehn 11 124
18. 18. Like I love you - Nico Santos & Topic 8 82
20. RE Stupid love - Lady Gaga 5 21
20. 9. Sicko - Felix Jaehn feat. Gashi & Faangs 7 64

17. Mai 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. 1. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 16 294
2. 2. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 23 390 446
3. 3. Supalonely - Benee feat. Gus Dapperton 3 50
4. 6. In your eyes - Robin Schulz feat. Alida 15 175
5. 5. Kings and Queens - Ava Max 2 32
6. 4. ily - Surf Mesa feat. Emilee 3 36
7. 9. Say so - Doja Cat 5 56
8. 7. Ride it - Regard 31 298 505
9. 8. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 15 241
10. 11. Some say (Felix Jaehn remix) - Nea 5 68
11. Like it is - Kygo, Zara Larsson & Tyga 1 10
12. 12. Ritmo - Black Eyed Peas feat. J Balvin 17 196
13. 14. In my bones - Ray Dalton 2 15
14. 20. Sicko - Felix Jaehn feat. Gashi & Faangs 8 71
15. 10. Turn me on - Riton & Oliver Heldens feat. Vula 16 131 160
16. 15. Break my heart - Dua Lipa 4 25
17. Superstar - David Puentez & Albert Neve 1 4
18. RE Salt - Ava Max 7 57
19. 13. Know your worth - Khalid x Disclosure 4 22
20. 18. Like I love you - Nico Santos & Topic 9 83

24. Mai 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. 3. Supalonely - Benee feat. Gus Dapperton 4 70
2. 1. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 17 313
3. 2. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 24 408 464
4. 11. Like it is - Kygo, Zara Larsson & Tyga 2 27
5. Coffee for your head - Powfu feat. Beabadoobee 1 16
6. 7. Say so - Doja Cat 6 71
7. 18. Salt - Ava Max 8 71
8. 13. In my bones - Ray Dalton 3 28
9. 5. Kings and Queens - Ava Max 3 44
10. 6. ily - Surf Mesa feat. Emilee 4 47
11. 9. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 16 251
12. 8. Ride it - Regard 32 307 514
13. 10. Some say (Felix Jaehn remix) - Nea 6 76
14. 12. Ritmo - Black Eyed Peas feat. J Balvin 18 203
15. 15. Turn me on - Riton & Oliver Heldens feat. Vula 17 137 166
16. 19. Know your worth - Khalid x Disclosure 5 27
17. 14. Sicko - Felix Jaehn feat. Gashi & Faangs 9 75
18. 20. Like I love you - Nico Santos & Topic 10 86
18. 16. Break my heart - Dua Lipa 5 28
20. 4. In your eyes - Robin Schulz feat. Alida 16 176

31. Mai 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. 2. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 18 333
2. 1. Supalonely - Benee feat. Gus Dapperton 5 89
3. 3. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 25 424 480
4. Never let me down - VIZE & Tom Gregory 1 17
5. 5. Coffee for your head - Powfu feat. Beabadoobee 2 32
6. 10. ily - Surf Mesa feat. Emilee 5 62
6. 6. Say so - Doja Cat 7 86
8. 12. Ride it - Regard 33 320 527
9. 9. Kings and Queens - Ava Max 4 56
10. 7. Salt - Ava Max 9 82
11. 4. Like it is - Kygo, Zara Larsson & Tyga 3 37
12. 11. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 17 260
13. 13. Some say (Felix Jaehn remix) - Nea 7 84
14. 17. Sicko - Felix Jaehn feat. Gashi & Faangs 10 82
15. Be kind - Marshmello & Halsey 1 6
16. 18. Break my heart - Dua Lipa 6 33
17. RE Superstar - David Puentez & Albert Neve 2 8
18. 20. In your eyes - Robin Schulz feat. Alida 17 179
19. RE Boyfriend - Mabel 8 62
20. X - Jonas Brothers feat. Karol G 1 1

7. Juni 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. 3. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 26 444 500
2. 1. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 19 352
3. 4. Never let me down - VIZE & Tom Gregory 2 35
4. 2. Supalonely - Benee feat. Gus Dapperton 6 106
5. 13. Some say (Felix Jaehn remix) - Nea 8 100
6. 8. Ride it - Regard 34 335 542
7. 6. Say so - Doja Cat 8 100
8. Rain on me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande 1 13
9. 10. Salt - Ava Max 10 94
10. 12. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 18 271
11. 6. ily - Surf Mesa feat. Emilee 6 72
12. 11. Like it is - Kygo, Zara Larsson & Tyga 4 46
13. 9. Kings and Queens - Ava Max 5 64
14. RE Like I love you - Nico Santos & Topic 11 93
15. 5. Coffee for your head - Powfu feat. Beabadoobee 3 38
16. 15. Be kind - Marshmello & Halsey 2 11
16. 20. X - Jonas Brothers feat. Karol G 2 6
18. 17. Superstar - David Puentez & Albert Neve 3 11
19. 14. Sicko - Felix Jaehn feat. Gashi & Faangs 11 84
20. 18. In your eyes - Robin Schulz feat. Alida 18 180

14. Juni 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. 3. Never let me down - VIZE & Tom Gregory 3 55
2. 4. Supalonely - Benee feat. Gus Dapperton 7 125
3. 2. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 20 370
4. 1. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 27 461 517
5. 5. Some say (Felix Jaehn remix) - Nea 9 116
6. 6. Ride it - Regard 35 350 557
7. 12. Like it is - Kygo, Zara Larsson & Tyga 5 60
8. 9. Salt - Ava Max 11 107
9. 7. Say so - Doja Cat 9 112
10. 10. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 19 282
11. 8. Rain on me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande 2 23
12. 15. Coffee for your head - Powfu feat. Beabadoobee 4 47
13. 11. ily - Surf Mesa feat. Emilee 7 80
14. 18. Superstar - David Puentez & Albert Neve 4 18
15. 16. X - Jonas Brothers feat. Karol G 3 12
16. 13. Kings and Queens - Ava Max 6 69
16. 16. Be kind - Marshmello & Halsey 3 16
18. RE Underdog - Alicia Keys 8 85
19. 19. Sicko - Felix Jaehn feat. Gashi & Faangs 12 86
20. Secrets - Regard & RAYE 1 1

21. Juni 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. Control - Zoë Wees 1 20
2. 1. Never let me down - VIZE & Tom Gregory 4 74
3. 2. Supalonely - Benee feat. Gus Dapperton 8 143
4. 7. Like it is - Kygo, Zara Larsson & Tyga 6 77
5. 3. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 21 386
6. 4. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 28 476 532
7. Mamacita - Black Eyed Peas feat. Ozuna & J. Rey Soul 1 14
8. Love to go - Lost Frequencies, Zonderling & Kelvin Jones 1 13
9. 11. Rain on me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande 3 35
10. 16. Be kind - Marshmello & Halsey 4 27
11. 5. Some say (Felix Jaehn remix) - Nea 10 126
12. 10. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 20 291
13. Stuck with u - Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber 1 8
14. 20. Secrets - Regard & RAYE 2 8
15. 9. Say so - Doja Cat 10 118
15. 12. Coffee for your head - Powfu feat. Beabadoobee 5 53
17. 8. Salt - Ava Max 12 111
18. 13. ily - Surf Mesa feat. Emilee 8 83
18. 16. Kings and Queens - Ava Max 7 72
20. 6. Ride it - Regard 36 351 558

28. Juni 2020   12 Uhr


VW T Titel - Interpret


1. 1. Control - Zoë Wees 2 40
2. 6. Blinding lights - The Weeknd 29 495 551
3. 4. Like it is - Kygo, Zara Larsson & Tyga 7 95
4. 5. Roses (Imanbek remix) - Saint JHN 22 403
5. 7. Mamacita - Black Eyed Peas feat. Ozuna & J. Rey Soul 2 30
6. 18. Kings and Queens - Ava Max 8 87
7. 3. Supalonely - Benee feat. Gus Dapperton 9 157
8. 2. Never let me down - VIZE & Tom Gregory 5 87
9. 8. Love to go - Lost Frequencies, Zonderling & Kelvin Jones 2 25
10. RE Like I love you - Nico Santos & Topic 12 104
11. 13. Stuck with u - Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber 2 18
12. 9. Rain on me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande 4 44
13. 14. Secrets - Regard & RAYE 3 16
14. 12. Breaking me - Topic feat. A7S 21 298
15. RE Superstar - David Puentez & Albert Neve 5 24
16. 15. Coffee for your head - Powfu feat. Beabadoobee 6 58
17. RE Physical - Dua Lipa 13 124
18. 10. Be kind - Marshmello & Halsey 5 30
19. 15. Say so - Doja Cat 11 120
20. RE Sicko - Felix Jaehn feat. Gashi & Faangs 13 87
20. 11. Some say (Felix Jaehn remix) - Nea 11 127

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VW: Vorwoche - T: Tendenz - in der nächsten Woche nicht mehr in den TOP 20 platziert - stieg später als RE-Entry wieder ein -