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Jahrgang 1995  1. Quartal

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8. Januar 1995   (# 1057)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Cross road, the best of - Bon Jovi 9 10 64
2. 2. Affentheater - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 16 9 132
3. 3. Over the hump - The Kelly Family 8 8 48
4. 4. Monster - R.E.M. 11 7 69
5. 9. Fields of gold, best of 1984-1994 - Sting 3 6 10
6. 10. No need to argue - Cranberries 2 5 6
7. 5. The 3 Tenors in Concert ´94 - Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti 14 4 82
8. 8. The best of - Chris Rea 5 3 14
9. 6. End of part one, greatest hits - Wet Wet Wet 18 2 125
10. 7. Have a little faith - Joe Cocker 14 1 68

15. Januar 1995   (# 1058)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Cross road, the best of - Bon Jovi 10 20 74
2. 3. Over the hump - The Kelly Family 9 17 57
3. 2. Affentheater - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 17 17 140
4. 6. No need to argue - Cranberries 3 12 13
5. 5. Fields of gold, best of 1984-1994 - Sting 4 12 16
6. 8. The best of - Chris Rea 6 8 19
7. 4. Monster - R.E.M. 12 11 73
8. 7. The 3 Tenors in Concert ´94 - Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti 15 7 85
9. Live at the BBC - The Beatles 1 2
10. 9. End of part one, greatest hits - Wet Wet Wet 19 3 126

22. Januar 1995   (# 1059)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Over the hump - The Kelly Family 10 27 67
2. 1. Cross road, the best of - Bon Jovi 11 29 83
3. 3. Affentheater - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 18 25 148
4. 4. No need to argue - Cranberries 4 19 20
5. 5. Fields of gold, best of 1984-1994 - Sting 5 18 22
6. 6. The best of - Chris Rea 7 13 24
7. 1492 Conquest of paradise - Vangelis/SOUNDTRACK 1 4
8. 8. The 3 Tenors in Concert ´94 - Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti 16 10 88
9. Unplugged in New York - Nirvana 1 2
10. 7. Monster - R.E.M. 13 12 74

29. Januar 1995   (# 1060)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Over the hump - The Kelly Family 11 37 77
2. 2. Cross road, the best of - Bon Jovi 12 38 92
3. 3. Affentheater - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 19 33 156
4. 4. No need to argue - Cranberries 5 26 27
5. 5. Fields of gold, best of 1984-1994 - Sting 6 24 28
6. 7. 1492 Conquest of paradise - Vangelis/SOUNDTRACK 2 9
7. 6. The best of - Chris Rea 8 17 28
8. The Lion King - SOUNDTRACK 1 3
9. 9. Unplugged in New York - Nirvana 2 4
10. RE Live at the BBC - The Beatles 2 3

5. Februar 1995   (# 1061)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Over the hump - The Kelly Family 12 47 87
2. 2. Cross road, the best of - Bon Jovi 13 47 101
3. 4. No need to argue - Cranberries 6 34 35
4. 3. Affentheater - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 20 40 163
5. 5. Fields of gold, best of 1984-1994 - Sting 7 30 34
6. 6. 1492 Conquest of paradise - Vangelis/SOUNDTRACK 3 14
7. Never stop that feeling - Mark ´Oh 1 4
8. 8. The Lion King - SOUNDTRACK 2 6
9. 7. The best of - Chris Rea 9 19 30
10. 9. Unplugged in New York - Nirvana 3 5

12. Februar 1995   (# 1062)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Over the hump - The Kelly Family 13 57 97
2. 3. No need to argue - Cranberries 7 43 44
3. 2. Cross road, the best of - Bon Jovi 14 55 109
4. 4. Affentheater - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 21 47 170
5. 5. Fields of gold, best of 1984-1994 - Sting 8 36 40
6. 6. 1492 Conquest of paradise - Vangelis/SOUNDTRACK 4 19
7. 7. Never stop that feeling - Mark ´Oh 2 8
8. 8. The Lion King - SOUNDTRACK 3 9
9. RE Live at the BBC - The Beatles 3 5
10. 9. The best of - Chris Rea 10 20 31

19. Februar 1995   (# 1063)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. No need to argue - Cranberries 8 53 54
2. 1. Over the hump - The Kelly Family 14 66 106
3. 3. Cross road, the best of - Bon Jovi 15 63 117
4. 4. Affentheater - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 22 54 177
5. 6. 1492 Conquest of paradise - Vangelis/SOUNDTRACK 5 25
6. 7. Never stop that feeling - Mark ´Oh 3 13
7. 5. Fields of gold, best of 1984-1994 - Sting 9 40 44
8. 8. The Lion King - SOUNDTRACK 4 12
9. 9. Live at the BBC - The Beatles 4 7
10. Good news from the next world - Simple Minds 1 1

26. Februar 1995   (# 1064)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. No need to argue - Cranberries 9 63 64
2. 2. Over the hump - The Kelly Family 15 75 115
3. 5. 1492 Conquest of paradise - Vangelis/SOUNDTRACK 6 33
4. 3. Cross road, the best of - Bon Jovi 16 70 124
5. 4. Affentheater - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 23 60 183
6. 6. Never stop that feeling - Mark ´Oh 4 18
7. 7. Fields of gold, best of 1984-1994 - Sting 10 44 48
8. 8. The Lion King - SOUNDTRACK 5 15
9. 10. Good news from the next world - Simple Minds 2 3
10. 9. Live at the BBC - The Beatles 5 8

5. März 1995   (# 1065)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. No need to argue - Cranberries 10 73 74
2. 2. Over the hump - The Kelly Family 16 84 124
3. 3. 1492 Conquest of paradise - Vangelis/SOUNDTRACK 7 41
4. 5. Affentheater - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 24 67 190
5. 6. Never stop that feeling - Mark ´Oh 5 24
6. 4. Cross road, the best of - Bon Jovi 17 75 129
7. 7. Fields of gold, best of 1984-1994 - Sting 11 48 52
8. 8. The Lion King - SOUNDTRACK 6 18
9. 9. Good news from the next world - Simple Minds 3 5
10. 10. Live at the BBC - The Beatles 6 9

12. März 1995   (# 1066)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. No need to argue - Cranberries 11 83 84
2. 3. 1492 Conquest of paradise - Vangelis/SOUNDTRACK 8 50
3. 2. Over the hump - The Kelly Family 17 92 132
4. 5. Never stop that feeling - Mark ´Oh 6 31
5. 4. Affentheater - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 25 73 196
6. 6. Cross road, the best of - Bon Jovi 18 80 134
7. 7. Fields of gold, best of 1984-1994 - Sting 12 52 56
8. 9. Good news from the next world - Simple Minds 4 8
9. 8. The Lion King - SOUNDTRACK 7 20
10. Dookie - Green Day 1 1

19. März 1995   (# 1067)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. No need to argue - Cranberries 12 93 94
2. 2. 1492 Conquest of paradise - Vangelis/SOUNDTRACK 9 59
3. 3. Over the hump - The Kelly Family 18 100 140
4. 4. Never stop that feeling - Mark ´Oh 7 38
5. 5. Affentheater - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 26 79 202
6. 6. Cross road, the best of - Bon Jovi 19 85 139
7. 8. Good news from the next world - Simple Minds 5 12
8. 7. Fields of gold, best of 1984-1994 - Sting 13 55 59
9. 9. The Lion King - SOUNDTRACK 8 22
10. Greatest hits - Bruce Springsteen 1 1

26. März 1995   (# 1068)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. No need to argue - Cranberries 13 103 104
2. 2. 1492 Conquest of paradise - Vangelis/SOUNDTRACK 10 68
3. 3. Over the hump - The Kelly Family 19 108 148
4. 4. Never stop that feeling - Mark ´Oh 8 45
5. 5. Affentheater - Marius Müller-Westernhagen 27 85 208
6. 6. Cross road, the best of - Bon Jovi 20 90 144
7. 10. Greatest hits - Bruce Springsteen 2 5
8. 7. Good news from the next world - Simple Minds 6 15
9. Bedtime stories - Madonna 1 2
10. RE Dookie - Green Day 2 2

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