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Jahrgang 1994  2. Quartal

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3. April 1994   (# 1018)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. So far so good - Bryan Adams 15 112 116
2. 2. Both sides - Phil Collins 16 120 142
3. 3. Bat out of hell 2, back into hell - Meat Loaf 23 112 181
4. 4. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 41 65 304
5. 5. Cross of changes - Enigma 8 33
6. 6. Antenna - ZZ Top 6 23
7. 10. Music box - Mariah Carey 2 5
8. 7. The one thing - Michael Bolton 4 10
9. Everything changes - Take That 1 2
10. 8. Die Bestie in Menschengestalt - Die Ärzte 21 58 101

10. April 1994   (# 1019)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. So far so good - Bryan Adams 16 122 126
2. 2. Both sides - Phil Collins 17 129 151
3. 3. Bat out of hell 2, back into hell - Meat Loaf 24 120 189
4. 4. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 42 72 311
5. 5. Cross of changes - Enigma 9 39
6. 7. Music box - Mariah Carey 3 10
7. 6. Antenna - ZZ Top 7 27
8. 9. Everything changes - Take That 2 5
9. 8. The one thing - Michael Bolton 5 12
10. Philadelphia - SOUNDTRACK 1 1

17. April 1994   (# 1020)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. So far so good - Bryan Adams 17 132 136
2. 2. Both sides - Phil Collins 18 138 160
3. 3. Bat out of hell 2, back into hell - Meat Loaf 25 128 197
4. 4. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 43 79 318
5. 6. Music box - Mariah Carey 4 16
6. 5. Cross of changes - Enigma 10 44
7. 8. Everything changes - Take That 3 9
8. 10. Philadelphia - SOUNDTRACK 2 4
9. 9. The one thing - Michael Bolton 6 14
10. 7. Antenna - ZZ Top 8 28

24. April 1994   (# 1021)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. So far so good - Bryan Adams 18 142 146
2. 2. Both sides - Phil Collins 19 147 169
3. 3. Bat out of hell 2, back into hell - Meat Loaf 26 136 205
4. 5. Music box - Mariah Carey 5 23
5. 4. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 44 85 324
6. 7. Everything changes - Take That 4 14
7. 8. Philadelphia - SOUNDTRACK 3 8
8. 6. Cross of changes - Enigma 11 47
9. 9. The one thing - Michael Bolton 7 16
10. The division bell - Pink Floyd 1 1

1. Mai 1994   (# 1022)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. So far so good - Bryan Adams 19 152 156
2. 4. Music box - Mariah Carey 6 32
3. 2. Both sides - Phil Collins 20 155 177
4. 3. Bat out of hell 2, back into hell - Meat Loaf 27 143 212
5. 5. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 45 91 330
6. 7. Philadelphia - SOUNDTRACK 4 13
7. 6. Everything changes - Take That 5 18
8. 10. The division bell - Pink Floyd 2 4
9. 9. The one thing - Michael Bolton 8 18
10. 8. Cross of changes - Enigma 12 48

8. Mai 1994   (# 1023)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. So far so good - Bryan Adams 20 162 166
2. 2. Music box - Mariah Carey 7 41
3. 6. Philadelphia - SOUNDTRACK 5 21
4. 8. The division bell - Pink Floyd 3 11
5. 7. Everything changes - Take That 6 24
6. 4. Bat out of hell 2, back into hell - Meat Loaf 28 148 217
7. 3. Both sides - Phil Collins 21 159 181
8. 5. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 46 94 333
9. 9. The one thing - Michael Bolton 9 20
10. Crash boom bang - Roxette 1 1

15. Mai 1994   (# 1024)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Music box - Mariah Carey 8 51
2. 1. So far so good - Bryan Adams 21 171 175
3. 3. Philadelphia - SOUNDTRACK 6 29
4. 4. The division bell - Pink Floyd 4 18
5. 5. Everything changes - Take That 7 30
6. 6. Bat out of hell 2, back into hell - Meat Loaf 29 153 222
7. 7. Both sides - Phil Collins 22 163 185
8. 8. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 47 97 336
9. 10. Crash boom bang - Roxette 2 3
10. 9. The one thing - Michael Bolton 10 21

22. Mai 1994   (# 1025)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Music box - Mariah Carey 9 61
2. 3. Philadelphia - SOUNDTRACK 7 38
3. 4. The division bell - Pink Floyd 5 26
4. 2. So far so good - Bryan Adams 22 178 182
5. 5. Everything changes - Take That 8 36
6. 9. Crash boom bang - Roxette 3 8
7. 8. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 48 101 340
8. 6. Bat out of hell 2, back into hell - Meat Loaf 30 156 225
9. 7. Both sides - Phil Collins 23 165 187
10. Painted desert serenade - Joshua Kadison 1 1

29. Mai 1994   (# 1026)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Music box - Mariah Carey 10 71
2. 3. The division bell - Pink Floyd 6 35
3. 2. Philadelphia - SOUNDTRACK 8 46
4. 5. Everything changes - Take That 9 43
5. 4. So far so good - Bryan Adams 23 184 188
6. 6. Crash boom bang - Roxette 4 13
7. 7. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 49 105 344
8. 10. Painted desert serenade - Joshua Kadison 2 4
9. 8. Bat out of hell 2, back into hell - Meat Loaf 31 158 227
10. 9. Both sides - Phil Collins 24 166 188

5. Juni 1994   (# 1027)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Music box - Mariah Carey 11 81
2. 2. The division bell - Pink Floyd 7 44
3. 3. Philadelphia - SOUNDTRACK 9 54
4. 6. Crash boom bang - Roxette 5 20
5. 4. Everything changes - Take That 10 49
6. 5. So far so good - Bryan Adams 24 189 193
7. 8. Painted desert serenade - Joshua Kadison 3 8
8. 7. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 50 108 347
9. God shuffled his feet - Crash Test Dummies 1 2
10. 9. Bat out of hell 2, back into hell - Meat Loaf 32 159 228

12. Juni 1994   (# 1028)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Music box - Mariah Carey 12 91
2. 2. The division bell - Pink Floyd 8 53
3. 3. Philadelphia - SOUNDTRACK 10 62
4. 4. Crash boom bang - Roxette 6 27
5. 5. Everything changes - Take That 11 55
6. 7. Painted desert serenade - Joshua Kadison 4 13
7. 6. So far so good - Bryan Adams 25 193 197
8. 9. God shuffled his feet - Crash Test Dummies 2 5
9. 8. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 51 110 349
10. This way up - Chris de Burgh 1 1

19. Juni 1994   (# 1029)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Music box - Mariah Carey 13 101
2. 2. The division bell - Pink Floyd 9 62
3. 4. Crash boom bang - Roxette 7 35
4. 3. Philadelphia - SOUNDTRACK 11 69
5. 6. Painted desert serenade - Joshua Kadison 5 19
6. 8. God shuffled his feet - Crash Test Dummies 3 10
7. 5. Everything changes - Take That 12 59
8. 7. So far so good - Bryan Adams 26 196 200
9. 10. This way up - Chris de Burgh 2 3
10. 9. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 52 111 350

26. Juni 1994   (# 1030)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Music box - Mariah Carey 14 111
2. 2. The division bell - Pink Floyd 10 71
3. 3. Crash boom bang - Roxette 8 43
4. 5. Painted desert serenade - Joshua Kadison 6 26
5. 4. Philadelphia - SOUNDTRACK 12 75
6. 6. God shuffled his feet - Crash Test Dummies 4 15
7. 7. Everything changes - Take That 13 63
8. 9. This way up - Chris de Burgh 3 6
9. 8. So far so good - Bryan Adams 27 198 202
10. 10. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 53 112 351

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