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Jahrgang 1993  2. Quartal

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4. April 1993   (# 967)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 11 86
2. 2. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 7 41
3. 4. The very best of - Bonnie Tyler 4 22
4. 5. Wandering spirit - Mick Jagger 3 17
5. 3. Live, the way we walk vol. 2, the longs - Genesis 10 54
6. 8. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 20 24 97
7. Ten summenor´s tales - Sting 1 4
8. 7. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 19 97 121
9. 9. Gold, 20 Super Hits - Boney M. 5 7
10. 6. Vier gewinnt - Die Fantastischen Vier 20 98 135

11. April 1993   (# 968)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 12 96
2. 2. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 8 50
3. 3. The very best of - Bonnie Tyler 5 30
4. 4. Wandering spirit - Mick Jagger 4 24
5. 6. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 21 30 103
6. 7. Ten summenor´s tales - Sting 2 9
7. 5. Live, the way we walk vol. 2, the longs - Genesis 11 58
8. 9. Gold, 20 Super Hits - Boney M. 6 10
9. 8. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 20 99 123
10. Songs of faith and devotion - Depeche Mode 1 1

18. April 1993   (# 969)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 13 106
2. 2. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 9 59
3. 3. The very best of - Bonnie Tyler 6 38
4. 6. Ten summenor´s tales - Sting 3 16
5. 5. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 22 36 109
6. 4. Wandering spirit - Mick Jagger 5 29
7. 10. Songs of faith and devotion - Depeche Mode 2 5
8. 8. Gold, 20 Super Hits - Boney M. 7 13
9. 9. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 21 101 125
10. 7. Live, the way we walk vol. 2, the longs - Genesis 12 59

25. April 1993   (# 970)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 14 116
2. 2. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 10 68
3. 3. The very best of - Bonnie Tyler 7 46
4. 4. Ten summenor´s tales - Sting 4 23
5. 5. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 23 42 115
6. 6. Wandering spirit - Mick Jagger 6 34
7. 7. Songs of faith and devotion - Depeche Mode 3 9
8. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 1 3
9. 9. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 22 103 127
10. 8. Gold, 20 Super Hits - Boney M. 8 14

2. Mai 1993   (# 971)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 15 126
2. 2. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 11 77
3. 4. Ten summenor´s tales - Sting 5 31
4. 3. The very best of - Bonnie Tyler 8 53
5. 5. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 24 48 121
6. 7. Songs of faith and devotion - Depeche Mode 4 14
7. 6. Wandering spirit - Mick Jagger 7 38
8. 8. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 2 6
9. 9. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 23 105 129
10. 10. Gold, 20 Super Hits - Boney M. 9 15

9. Mai 1993   (# 972)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 16 136
2. 2. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 12 86
3. 3. Ten summenor´s tales - Sting 6 39
4. 6. Songs of faith and devotion - Depeche Mode 5 21
5. 5. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 25 54 127
6. 4. The very best of - Bonnie Tyler 9 58
7. 8. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 3 10
8. 9. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 24 108 132
9. 7. Wandering spirit - Mick Jagger 8 40
10. RE Dangerous - Michael Jackson 42 1 251

16. Mai 1993   (# 973)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 17 146
2. 2. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 13 95
3. 4. Songs of faith and devotion - Depeche Mode 6 29
4. 3. Ten summenor´s tales - Sting 7 46
5. 5. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 26 60 133
6. 7. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 4 15
7. 6. The very best of - Bonnie Tyler 10 62
8. 8. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 25 111 135
9. 9. Wandering spirit - Mick Jagger 9 42
10. Are you gonna go my way - Lenny Kravitz 1 1

23. Mai 1993   (# 974)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 18 156
2. 3. Songs of faith and devotion - Depeche Mode 7 38
3. 2. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 14 103
4. 6. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 5 22
5. 4. Ten summenor´s tales - Sting 8 52
6. 5. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 27 65 138
7. 8. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 26 115 139
8. 7. The very best of - Bonnie Tyler 11 65
9. Get a grip - Aerosmith 1 2
10. 9. Wandering spirit - Mick Jagger 10 43

30. Mai 1993   (# 975)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Songs of faith and devotion - Depeche Mode 8 48
2. 1. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 19 165
3. 4. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 6 30
4. 3. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 15 110
5. 5. Ten summenor´s tales - Sting 9 58
6. 6. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 28 70 143
7. 7. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 27 119 143
8. 8. The very best of - Bonnie Tyler 12 68
9. 9. Get a grip - Aerosmith 2 4
10. Kauf mich! - Die Toten Hosen 1 1

6. Juni 1993   (# 976)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Songs of faith and devotion - Depeche Mode 9 58
2. 3. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 7 39
3. 2. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 20 173
4. 7. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 28 126 150
5. 4. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 16 116
6. 6. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 29 75 148
7. 5. Ten summenor´s tales - Sting 10 62
8. 8. The very best of - Bonnie Tyler 13 71
9. 10. Kauf mich! - Die Toten Hosen 2 3
10. 9. Get a grip - Aerosmith 3 5

13. Juni 1993   (# 977)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 8 49
2. 1. Songs of faith and devotion - Depeche Mode 10 67
3. 4. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 29 134 158
4. 3. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 21 180
5. 5. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 17 122
6. 6. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 30 80 153
7. 9. Kauf mich! - Die Toten Hosen 3 7
8. 7. Ten summenor´s tales - Sting 11 65
9. 10. Get a grip - Aerosmith 4 7
10. 8. The very best of - Bonnie Tyler 14 72

20. Juni 1993   (# 978)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 9 59
2. 2. Songs of faith and devotion - Depeche Mode 11 76
3. 3. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 30 142 166
4. 4. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 22 187
5. 7. Kauf mich! - Die Toten Hosen 4 13
6. 5. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 18 127
7. Chaos - Herbert Grönemeyer 1 4
8. 6. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 31 83 156
9. Tutte story - Eros Ramazotti 1 2
10. 8. Ten summenor´s tales - Sting 12 66

27. Juni 1993   (# 979)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Happy nation (US-Version) - Ace Of Base 10 69
2. 3. Keep the faith - Bon Jovi 31 151 175
3. 2. Songs of faith and devotion - Depeche Mode 12 84
4. 5. Kauf mich! - Die Toten Hosen 5 20
5. 7. Chaos - Herbert Grönemeyer 2 10
6. 4. The bodyguard - SOUNDTRACK/Whitney Houston 23 192
7. 9. Tutte story - Eros Ramazotti 2 6
8. No limits - 2 Unlimited 1 3
9. 6. Off the ground - Paul McCartney 19 129
10. 8. Unplugged - Eric Clapton 32 84 157

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