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Jahrgang 1989  2. Quartal

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2. April 1989   (# 762)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Ancient heart - Tanita Tikaram 11 78
2. 2. Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman 36 97 266
3. 3. After the war - Gary Moore 7 36
4. 6. A new flame - Simply Red 3 14
5. 7. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 3 11
6. 8. Mystery girl - Roy Orbison 2 8
7. 4. Hold me in your arms - Rick Astley 9 39
8. 5. Flying colours - Chris de Burgh 21 102 158
9. 9. Cocktail - SOUNDTRACK 5 11
10. 10. Buster - SOUNDTRACK / Phil Collins 14 62 63

9. April 1989   (# 763)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Ancient heart - Tanita Tikaram 12 88
2. 2. Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman 37 106 275
3. 3. After the war - Gary Moore 8 44
4. 4. A new flame - Simply Red 4 21
5. 5. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 4 17
6. 6. Mystery girl - Roy Orbison 3 13
7. 9. Cocktail - SOUNDTRACK 6 15
8. 7. Hold me in your arms - Rick Astley 10 42
9. 8. Flying colours - Chris de Burgh 22 104 160
10. Früher - Die Ärzte 1 1

16. April 1989   (# 764)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Ancient heart - Tanita Tikaram 13 98
2. 4. A new flame - Simply Red 5 30
3. 3. After the war - Gary Moore 9 52
4. 2. Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman 38 113 282
5. 5. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 5 23
6. 6. Mystery girl - Roy Orbison 4 18
7. 7. Cocktail - SOUNDTRACK 7 19
8. Like a prayer - Madonna 1 3
9. 9. Flying colours - Chris de Burgh 23 106 162
10. 8. Hold me in your arms - Rick Astley 11 43

23. April 1989   (# 765)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Ancient heart - Tanita Tikaram 14 108
2. 2. A new flame - Simply Red 6 39
3. 5. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 6 31
4. 3. After the war - Gary Moore 10 59
5. 6. Mystery girl - Roy Orbison 5 24
6. 4. Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman 39 118 287
7. 8. Like a prayer - Madonna 2 7
8. 7. Cocktail - SOUNDTRACK 8 22
9. 101 - Depeche Mode 1 2
10. RE Früher - Die Ärzte 2 2

30. April 1989   (# 766)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Ancient heart - Tanita Tikaram 15 118
2. 2. A new flame - Simply Red 7 48
3. 3. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 7 39
4. 5. Mystery girl - Roy Orbison 6 31
5. 7. Like a prayer - Madonna 3 13
6. 4. After the war - Gary Moore 11 64
7. 6. Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman 40 122 291
8. 9. 101 - Depeche Mode 2 5
9. Liebe ist... - Die Flippers 1 2
10. Rivalen der Rennbahn - SOUNDTRACK 1 1

7. Mai 1989   (# 767)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Ancient heart - Tanita Tikaram 16 128
2. 2. A new flame - Simply Red 8 57
3. 3. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 8 47
4. 5. Like a prayer - Madonna 4 20
5. 4. Mystery girl - Roy Orbison 7 37
6. 10. Rivalen der Rennbahn - SOUNDTRACK 2 6
7. 9. Liebe ist... - Die Flippers 2 6
8. 6. After the war - Gary Moore 12 67
9. 8. 101 - Depeche Mode 3 7
10. 7. Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman 41 123 292

14. Mai 1989   (# 768)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. A new flame - Simply Red 9 67
2. 1. Ancient heart - Tanita Tikaram 17 137
3. 4. Like a prayer - Madonna 5 28
4. 3. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 9 54
5. 6. Rivalen der Rennbahn - SOUNDTRACK 3 12
6. 5. Mystery girl - Roy Orbison 8 42
7. 7. Liebe ist... - Die Flippers 3 10
8. 9. 101 - Depeche Mode 4 10
9. Call me easy, say I´m strong, love me my way, it ain´t wrong - Rainbirds 1 2
10. 8. After the war - Gary Moore 13 68

21. Mai 1989   (# 769)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. A new flame - Simply Red 10 77
2. 3. Like a prayer - Madonna 6 37
3. 2. Ancient heart - Tanita Tikaram 18 145
4. 5. Rivalen der Rennbahn - SOUNDTRACK 4 19
5. 4. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 10 60
6. 7. Liebe ist... - Die Flippers 4 15
7. 6. Mystery girl - Roy Orbison 9 46
8. 8. 101 - Depeche Mode 5 13
9. 9. Call me easy, say I´m strong, love me my way, it ain´t wrong - Rainbirds 2 4
10. Street fighting years - Simple Minds 1 1

28. Mai 1989   (# 770)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Like a prayer - Madonna 7 47
2. 1. A new flame - Simply Red 11 86
3. 4. Rivalen der Rennbahn - SOUNDTRACK 5 27
4. 3. Ancient heart - Tanita Tikaram 19 152
5. 5. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 11 66
6. 6. Liebe ist... - Die Flippers 5 20
7. 10. Street fighting years - Simple Minds 2 5
8. 8. 101 - Depeche Mode 6 16
9. 9. Call me easy, say I´m strong, love me my way, it ain´t wrong - Rainbirds 3 6
10. 7. Mystery girl - Roy Orbison 10 47

4. Juni 1989   (# 771)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Like a prayer - Madonna 8 57
2. 2. A new flame - Simply Red 12 95
3. 3. Rivalen der Rennbahn - SOUNDTRACK 6 35
4. 4. Ancient heart - Tanita Tikaram 20 159
5. 7. Street fighting years - Simple Minds 3 11
6. 6. Liebe ist... - Die Flippers 6 25
7. 5. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 12 70
8. Disintegration - The Cure 1 3
9. 9. Call me easy, say I´m strong, love me my way, it ain´t wrong - Rainbirds 4 8
10. 8. 101 - Depeche Mode 7 17

11. Juni 1989   (# 772)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Like a prayer - Madonna 9 67
2. 3. Rivalen der Rennbahn - SOUNDTRACK 7 44
3. 2. A new flame - Simply Red 13 103
4. 5. Street fighting years - Simple Minds 4 18
5. 8. Disintegration - The Cure 2 9
6. 6. Liebe ist... - Die Flippers 7 30
7. 4. Ancient heart - Tanita Tikaram 21 163
8. 7. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 13 73
9. One - Bee Gees 1 2
10. 9. Call me easy, say I´m strong, love me my way, it ain´t wrong - Rainbirds 5 9

18. Juni 1989   (# 773)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Like a prayer - Madonna 10 77
2. 2. Rivalen der Rennbahn - SOUNDTRACK 8 53
3. 4. Street fighting years - Simple Minds 5 26
4. 3. A new flame - Simply Red 14 110
5. 5. Disintegration - The Cure 3 15
6. 6. Liebe ist... - Die Flippers 8 35
7. 9. One - Bee Gees 2 6
8. The miracle - Queen 1 3
9. 10. Call me easy, say I´m strong, love me my way, it ain´t wrong - Rainbirds 6 11
10. 8. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 14 74

25. Juni 1989   (# 774)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Rivalen der Rennbahn - SOUNDTRACK 9 63
2. 1. Like a prayer - Madonna 11 86
3. 3. Street fighting years - Simple Minds 6 34
4. 5. Disintegration - The Cure 4 22
5. 4. A new flame - Simply Red 15 116
6. 8. The miracle - Queen 2 8
7. 7. One - Bee Gees 3 10
8. 6. Liebe ist... - Die Flippers 9 38
9. Blast - Holly Johnson 1 2
10. 10. The raw and the cooked - Fine Young Cannibals 15 75

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