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Jahrgang 1988  2. Quartal

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3. April 1988   (# 711)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 13 104
2. 2. Rainbirds - Rainbirds 9 56
3. 3. Lange Schatten - Peter Maffay 7 37
4. 5. Liebe, Tod und Teufel - E.A.V. 15 108 111
5. 4. Whenever you need somebody - Rick Astley 14 106
6. 6. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 22 20 104
7. 8. Turn back the clock - Johnny Hates Jazz 6 17
8. 9. Blow up your video - AC/DC 4 8
9. 7. Actually - Pet Shop Boys 26 56 131
10. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 1 1

10. April 1988   (# 712)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 14 114
2. 3. Lange Schatten - Peter Maffay 8 46
3. 2. Rainbirds - Rainbirds 10 64
4. 4. Liebe, Tod und Teufel - E.A.V. 16 115 118
5. 6. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 23 26 110
6. 5. Whenever you need somebody - Rick Astley 15 111
7. 10. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 2 5
8. 8. Blow up your video - AC/DC 5 11
9. 7. Turn back the clock - Johnny Hates Jazz 7 19
10. 9. Actually - Pet Shop Boys 27 57 132

17. April 1988   (# 713)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 15 124
2. 2. Lange Schatten - Peter Maffay 9 55
3. 3. Rainbirds - Rainbirds 11 72
4. 5. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 24 33 117
5. 4. Liebe, Tod und Teufel - E.A.V. 17 121 124
6. 6. Whenever you need somebody - Rick Astley 16 116
7. 7. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 3 9
8. 8. Blow up your video - AC/DC 6 14
9. 9. Turn back the clock - Johnny Hates Jazz 8 21
10. Live in Europe - Tina Turner 1 1

24. April 1988   (# 714)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 16 134
2. 2. Lange Schatten - Peter Maffay 10 64
3. 3. Rainbirds - Rainbirds 12 80
4. 4. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 25 40 124
5. 7. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 4 15
6. 5. Liebe, Tod und Teufel - E.A.V. 18 126 129
7. 6. Whenever you need somebody - Rick Astley 17 120
8. 8. Blow up your video - AC/DC 7 17
9. Ö - Herbert Grönemeyer 1 2
10. 10. Live in Europe - Tina Turner 2 2

1. Mai 1988   (# 715)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 17 144
2. 2. Lange Schatten - Peter Maffay 11 73
3. 4. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 26 48 132
4. 3. Rainbirds - Rainbirds 13 87
5. 5. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 5 21
6. 6. Liebe, Tod und Teufel - E.A.V. 19 131 134
7. 7. Whenever you need somebody - Rick Astley 18 124
8. 9. Ö - Herbert Grönemeyer 2 5
9. 10. Live in Europe - Tina Turner 3 4
10. 8. Blow up your video - AC/DC 8 18

8. Mai 1988   (# 716)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 18 154
2. 5. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 6 30
3. 2. Lange Schatten - Peter Maffay 12 81
4. 3. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 27 55 139
5. 4. Rainbirds - Rainbirds 14 93
6. 8. Ö - Herbert Grönemeyer 3 10
7. 7. Whenever you need somebody - Rick Astley 19 128
8. 6. Liebe, Tod und Teufel - E.A.V. 20 134 137
9. 9. Live in Europe - Tina Turner 4 6
10. Fantasie - Münchener Freiheit 1 1

15. Mai 1988   (# 717)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 19 164
2. 2. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 7 39
3. 6. Ö - Herbert Grönemeyer 4 18
4. 3. Lange Schatten - Peter Maffay 13 88
5. 4. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 28 61 145
6. 5. Rainbirds - Rainbirds 15 98
7. 9. Live in Europe - Tina Turner 5 10
8. 10. Fantasie - Münchener Freiheit 2 4
9. 7. Whenever you need somebody - Rick Astley 20 130
10. 8. Liebe, Tod und Teufel - E.A.V. 21 135 138

22. Mai 1988   (# 718)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 20 174
2. 2. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 8 48
3. 3. Ö - Herbert Grönemeyer 5 26
4. 4. Lange Schatten - Peter Maffay 14 95
5. 5. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 29 67 151
6. 8. Fantasie - Münchener Freiheit 3 9
7. 7. Live in Europe - Tina Turner 6 14
8. 6. Rainbirds - Rainbirds 16 101
9. 9. Whenever you need somebody - Rick Astley 21 132
10. Seventh son of a seventh son - Iron Maiden 1 1

29. Mai 1988   (# 719)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 9 58
2. 1. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 21 183
3. 3. Ö - Herbert Grönemeyer 6 34
4. 6. Fantasie - Münchener Freiheit 4 16
5. 4. Lange Schatten - Peter Maffay 15 101
6. 7. Live in Europe - Tina Turner 7 19
7. 5. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 30 71 155
8. 10. Seventh son of a seventh son - Iron Maiden 2 4
9. Savage amusement - Scorpions 1 2
10. 8. Rainbirds - Rainbirds 17 102

5. Juni 1988   (# 720)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 10 68
2. 2. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 22 192
3. 3. Ö - Herbert Grönemeyer 7 42
4. 4. Fantasie - Münchener Freiheit 5 23
5. 6. Live in Europe - Tina Turner 8 25
6. 9. Savage amusement - Scorpions 2 7
7. 8. Seventh son of a seventh son - Iron Maiden 3 8
8. 7. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 31 74 158
9. Stay on these roads - A-ha 1 2
10. 5. Lange Schatten - Peter Maffay 16 102

12. Juni 1988   (# 721)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 3. Ö - Herbert Grönemeyer 8 52
2. 1. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 11 77
3. 2. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 23 200
4. 4. Fantasie - Münchener Freiheit 6 30
5. 6. Savage amusement - Scorpions 3 13
6. 5. Live in Europe - Tina Turner 9 30
7. 9. Stay on these roads - A-ha 2 6
8. 7. Seventh son of a seventh son - Iron Maiden 4 11
9. Push - Bros 1 2
10. Lovesexy - Prince 1 1

19. Juni 1988   (# 722)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Ö - Herbert Grönemeyer 9 62
2. 2. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 12 86
3. 3. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 24 208
4. 5. Savage amusement - Scorpions 4 20
5. 4. Fantasie - Münchener Freiheit 7 36
6. 7. Stay on these roads - A-ha 3 11
7. 8. Seventh son of a seventh son - Iron Maiden 5 15
8. 9. Push - Bros 2 5
9. 6. Live in Europe - Tina Turner 10 32
10. 10. Lovesexy - Prince 2 2

26. Juni 1988   (# 723)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Ö - Herbert Grönemeyer 10 72
2. 2. More Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 13 95
3. 3. Dirty Dancing - SOUNDTRACK 25 216
4. 4. Savage amusement - Scorpions 5 27
5. 6. Stay on these roads - A-ha 4 17
6. 5. Fantasie - Münchener Freiheit 8 41
7. Stronger than pride - Sade 1 4
8. 7. Seventh son of a seventh son - Iron Maiden 8 18
9. 10. Lovesexy - Prince 3 4
10. 8. Push - Bros 3 6

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