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Jahrgang 1987  2. Quartal

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5. April 1987   (# 660)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Graceland - Paul Simon 7 51
2. 3. Definitive - Joe Cocker 6 37
3. 2. The house of the blue light - Deep Purple 9 71
4. 4. Break every rule - Tina Turner 26 134 230
5. 7. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 4 15
6. 5. Miami Vice 2 - SOUNDTRACK 8 38
7. 6. Heartbeat - Don Johnson 8 34
8. 8. Cinderella ´87 - SOUNDTRACK 2 6
9. Men and women - Simply Red 1 2
10. 9. La Boum 2 - SOUNDTRACK 4 6

12. April 1987   (# 661)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Graceland - Paul Simon 8 61
2. 2. Definitive - Joe Cocker 7 46
3. 5. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 5 23
4. 4. Break every rule - Tina Turner 27 141 237
5. 3. The house of the blue light - Deep Purple 10 77
6. 6. Miami Vice 2 - SOUNDTRACK 9 43
7. 8. Cinderella ´87 - SOUNDTRACK 3 10
8. 7. Heartbeat - Don Johnson 9 37
9. 9. Men and women - Simply Red 2 4
10. The Joshua tree - U2 1 1

19. April 1987   (# 662)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 3. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 6 33
2. 1. Graceland - Paul Simon 9 70
3. 2. Definitive - Joe Cocker 8 54
4. 7. Cinderella ´87 - SOUNDTRACK 4 17
5. 4. Break every rule - Tina Turner 28 147 243
6. 9. Men and women - Simply Red 3 9
7. 6. Miami Vice 2 - SOUNDTRACK 10 47
8. 10. The Joshua tree - U2 2 4
9. 5. The house of the blue light - Deep Purple 11 79
10. 8. Heartbeat - Don Johnson 10 38

26. April 1987   (# 663)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 7 43
2. 2. Graceland - Paul Simon 10 79
3. 3. Definitive - Joe Cocker 9 62
4. 4. Cinderella ´87 - SOUNDTRACK 5 24
5. 8. The Joshua tree - U2 3 10
6. 6. Men and women - Simply Red 4 14
7. 5. Break every rule - Tina Turner 29 151 247
8. 7. Miami Vice 2 - SOUNDTRACK 11 50
9. Running in the family - Level 42 1 2
10. 9. The house of the blue light - Deep Purple 12 80

3. Mai 1987   (# 664)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 8 53
2. 2. Graceland - Paul Simon 11 88
3. 5. The Joshua tree - U2 4 18
4. 6. Men and women - Simply Red 5 21
5. 3. Definitive - Joe Cocker 10 68
6. 4. Cinderella ´87 - SOUNDTRACK 6 29
7. 7. Break every rule - Tina Turner 30 155 251
8. 9. Running in the family - Level 42 2 5
9. Träume, Liebe, Sehnsucht - Die Flippers 1 2
10. Whispering Jack - John Farnham 1 1

10. Mai 1987   (# 665)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 9 63
2. 3. The Joshua tree - U2 5 27
3. 4. Men and women - Simply Red 6 29
4. 2. Graceland - Paul Simon 12 95
5. 6. Cinderella ´87 - SOUNDTRACK 7 35
6. 5. Definitive - Joe Cocker 11 73
7. 7. Break every rule - Tina Turner 31 159 255
8. 8. Running in the family - Level 42 3 8
9. 10. Whispering Jack - John Farnham 2 3
10. Rain dancing - Alison Moyet 1 1

17. Mai 1987   (# 666)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 10 73
2. 2. The Joshua tree - U2 6 36
3. 3. Men and women - Simply Red 7 37
4. 5. Cinderella ´87 - SOUNDTRACK 8 42
5. 4. Graceland - Paul Simon 13 101
6. 8. Running in the family - Level 42 4 13
7. 10. Rain dancing - Alison Moyet 2 5
8. 7. Break every rule - Tina Turner 32 162 258
9. 6. Definitive - Joe Cocker 12 75
10. 9. Whispering Jack - John Farnham 3 4

24. Mai 1987   (# 667)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 11 83
2. 2. The Joshua tree - U2 7 45
3. 3. Men and women - Simply Red 8 45
4. 6. Running in the family - Level 42 5 20
5. 7. Rain dancing - Alison Moyet 3 11
6. 4. Cinderella ´87 - SOUNDTRACK 9 47
7. 5. Graceland - Paul Simon 14 105
8. 10. Whispering Jack - John Farnham 4 7
9. 8. Break every rule - Tina Turner 33 164 260
10. 9. Definitive - Joe Cocker 13 76

31. Mai 1987   (# 668)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 12 93
2. 2. The Joshua tree - U2 8 54
3. 3. Men and women - Simply Red 9 53
4. 5. Rain dancing - Alison Moyet 4 18
5. 4. Running in the family - Level 42 6 26
6. 7. Graceland - Paul Simon 15 110
7. 6. Cinderella ´87 - SOUNDTRACK 10 51
8. 8. Whispering Jack - John Farnham 5 10
9. Tango in the night - Fleetwood Mac 1 2
10. 9. Break every rule - Tina Turner 34 165 261

7. Juni 1987   (# 669)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. The Joshua tree - U2 9 64
2. 1. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 13 102
3. 3. Men and women - Simply Red 10 61
4. 4. Rain dancing - Alison Moyet 5 25
5. 5. Running in the family - Level 42 7 32
6. 9. Tango in the night - Fleetwood Mac 2 7
7. 8. Whispering Jack - John Farnham 6 14
8. 6. Graceland - Paul Simon 16 113
9. The very best of - Hot Chocolate 1 2
10. 7. Cinderella ´87 - SOUNDTRACK 11 52

14. Juni 1987   (# 670)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The Joshua tree - U2 10 74
2. 2. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 14 111
3. 3. Men and women - Simply Red 11 69
4. 4. Rain dancing - Alison Moyet 6 32
5. 5. Running in the family - Level 42 8 38
6. 6. Tango in the night - Fleetwood Mac 3 12
7. 7. Whispering Jack - John Farnham 7 18
8. 9. The very best of - Hot Chocolate 2 5
9. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 1 2
10. 8. Graceland - Paul Simon 17 114

21. Juni 1987   (# 671)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The Joshua tree - U2 11 84
2. 2. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 15 120
3. 4. Rain dancing - Alison Moyet 7 40
4. 3. Men and women - Simply Red 12 76
5. 6. Tango in the night - Fleetwood Mac 4 18
6. 5. Running in the family - Level 42 9 43
7. 9. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 2 6
8. 7. Whispering Jack - John Farnham 8 21
9. 8. The very best of - Hot Chocolate 3 7
10. Whitney - Whitney Houston 1 1

28. Juni 1987   (# 672)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The Joshua tree - U2 12 94
2. 2. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 16 129
3. 3. Rain dancing - Alison Moyet 8 48
4. 5. Tango in the night - Fleetwood Mac 5 25
5. 4. Men and women - Simply Red 13 82
6. 7. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 3 11
7. 9. The very best of - Hot Chocolate 4 11
8. 10. Whitney - Whitney Houston 2 4
9. 6. Running in the family - Level 42 10 45
10. 8. Whispering Jack - John Farnham 9 22

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