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Jahrgang 2005  4. Quartal

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2. Oktober 2005   (# 1608)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Mi sangre - Juanes 6 34
2. 4. Power of sound - Die Söhne Mannheims 8 47
3. 1. X & Y - Coldplay 14 130
4. 5. Schwarz weiss - Christina Stürmer 8 41
5. 3. Banaroo´s world - Banaroo 12 83
6. 6. Fijacion oral Vol. 1 - Shakira 14 104
7. 9. A bigger bang - The Rolling Stones 2 6
8. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 1 3
9. 8. American idiot - Green Day 15 82
10. 7. Von hier an blind - Wir Sind Helden 23 169

9. Oktober 2005   (# 1609)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Mi sangre - Juanes 7 44
2. 2. Power of sound - Die Söhne Mannheims 9 56
3. 4. Schwarz weiss - Christina Stürmer 9 49
4. 3. X & Y - Coldplay 15 137
5. 5. Banaroo´s world - Banaroo 13 89
6. 8. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 2 8
7. 7. A bigger bang - The Rolling Stones 3 10
8. 6. Fijacion oral Vol. 1 - Shakira 15 107
9. 9. American idiot - Green Day 16 84
10. Have a nice day - Bon Jovi 1 1

16. Oktober 2005   (# 1610)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Mi sangre - Juanes 8 54
2. 2. Power of sound - Die Söhne Mannheims 10 65
3. 6. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 3 16
4. 3. Schwarz weiss - Christina Stürmer 10 56
5. 4. X & Y - Coldplay 16 143
6. 5. Banaroo´s world - Banaroo 14 94
7. 7. A bigger bang - The Rolling Stones 4 14
8. 10. Have a nice day - Bon Jovi 2 4
9. Schrei - Tokio Hotel 1 2
10. 9. American idiot - Green Day 17 85

23. Oktober 2005   (# 1611)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Mi sangre - Juanes 9 64
2. 3. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 4 25
3. 8. Have a nice day - Bon Jovi 3 12
4. 9. Schrei - Tokio Hotel 2 9
5. 2. Power of sound - Die Söhne Mannheims 11 71
6. 7. A bigger bang - The Rolling Stones 5 19
7. 5. X & Y - Coldplay 17 147
8. 4. Schwarz weiss - Christina Stürmer 11 59
9. 6. Banaroo´s world - Banaroo 15 96
10. 10. American idiot - Green Day 18 86

30. Oktober 2005   (# 1612)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 5 35
2. 1. Mi sangre - Juanes 10 73
3. 4. Schrei - Tokio Hotel 3 17
4. 3. Have a nice day - Bon Jovi 4 19
5. 6. A bigger bang - The Rolling Stones 6 25
6. 7. X & Y - Coldplay 18 152
7. 8. Schwarz weiss - Christina Stürmer 12 63
8. 5. Power of sound - Die Söhne Mannheims 12 74
9. 10. American idiot - Green Day 19 88
10. Piece by piece - Katie Melua 1 1

6. November 2005   (# 1613)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 6 45
2. 3. Schrei - Tokio Hotel 4 26
3. 4. Have a nice day - Bon Jovi 5 27
4. 2. Mi sangre - Juanes 11 80
5. 5. A bigger bang - The Rolling Stones 7 31
6. 10. Piece by piece - Katie Melua 2 6
7. 6. X & Y - Coldplay 19 156
8. 9. American idiot - Green Day 20 91
9. Playing the angel - Depeche Mode 1 2
10. 7. Schwarz weiss - Christina Stürmer 13 64

13. November 2005   (# 1614)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 7 55
2. 2. Schrei - Tokio Hotel 5 35
3. 3. Have a nice day - Bon Jovi 6 35
4. 5. A bigger bang - The Rolling Stones 8 38
5. 4. Mi sangre - Juanes 12 86
6. 9. Playing the angel - Depeche Mode 2 7
7. 6. Piece by piece - Katie Melua 3 10
8. Intensive care - Robbie Williams 1 3
9. All the right reasons - Nickelback 1 2
10. Back home - Eric Clapton 1 1

20. November 2005   (# 1615)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 8 65
2. 2. Schrei - Tokio Hotel 6 44
3. 3. Have a nice day - Bon Jovi 7 43
4. 6. Playing the angel - Depeche Mode 3 14
5. 4. A bigger bang - The Rolling Stones 9 44
6. 8. Intensive care - Robbie Williams 2 8
7. 7. Piece by piece - Katie Melua 4 14
8. 5. Mi sangre - Juanes 13 89
9. Rosenrot - Rammstein 1 2
10. 9. All the right reasons - Nickelback 2 3

27. November 2005   (# 1616)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 9 75
2. 2. Schrei - Tokio Hotel 7 53
3. 3. Have a nice day - Bon Jovi 8 51
4. 4. Playing the angel - Depeche Mode 4 21
5. 6. Intensive care - Robbie Williams 3 14
6. 9. Rosenrot - Rammstein 2 7
7. 7. Piece by piece - Katie Melua 5 18
8. 5. A bigger bang - The Rolling Stones 10 47
9. 10. All the right reasons - Nickelback 3 5
10. Aerial - Kate Bush 1 1

4. Dezember 2005   (# 1617)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Schrei - Tokio Hotel 8 63
2. 1. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 10 84
3. 5. Intensive care - Robbie Williams 4 22
4. 3. Have a nice day - Bon Jovi 9 58
5. 4. Playing the angel - Depeche Mode 5 27
6. 6. Rosenrot - Rammstein 3 12
7. 7. Piece by piece - Katie Melua 6 22
8. Confessions on a dancefloor - Madonna 1 3
9. 9. All the right reasons - Nickelback 4 7
10. 10. Aerial - Kate Bush 2 2

11. Dezember 2005   (# 1618)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 3. Intensive care - Robbie Williams 5 32
2. 1. Schrei - Tokio Hotel 9 72
3. 2. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 11 92
4. 5. Playing the angel - Depeche Mode 6 34
5. 4. Have a nice day - Bon Jovi 10 64
6. 6. Rosenrot - Rammstein 4 17
7. 8. Confessions on a dancefloor - Madonna 2 7
8. 7. Piece by piece - Katie Melua 7 25
9. 9. All the right reasons - Nickelback 5 9
10. 10. Aerial - Kate Bush 3 3

18. Dezember 2005   (# 1619)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Intensive care - Robbie Williams 6 42
2. 2. Schrei - Tokio Hotel 10 81
3. 4. Playing the angel - Depeche Mode 7 42
4. 7. Confessions on a dancefloor - Madonna 3 14
5. 3. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 12 98
6. 6. Rosenrot - Rammstein 5 22
7. 5. Have a nice day - Bon Jovi 11 68
8. Amarantine - Enya 1 3
9. Telegramm für X - Xavier Naidoo 1 2
10. 8. Piece by piece - Katie Melua 8 26

25. Dezember 2005   (# 1620)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Intensive care - Robbie Williams 7 52
2. 4. Confessions on a dancefloor - Madonna 4 23
3. 3. Playing the angel - Depeche Mode 8 50
4. 2. Schrei - Tokio Hotel 11 88
5. 5. Back to Bedlam - James Blunt 13 104
6. 6. Rosenrot - Rammstein 6 27
7. 8. Amarantine - Enya 2 7
8. 9. Telegramm für X - Xavier Naidoo 2 5
9. Nur zu Besuch: unplugged im Wiener Burgtheater - Die Toten Hosen 1 2
10. Christmas in my heart - Sarah Connor 1 1

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