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2. Januar 2000

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9. Januar 2000   (# 1313)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. All the way, a decade of songs - Celine Dion 4 10 32
2. 3. Greatest hits - Cher 4 9 38
3. 1. Hooray for boobies - Bloodhound Gang 11 8 92
4. 5. S & M - Metallica 3 7 16
5. 4. Twenty four seven - Tina Turner 6 6 33
6. 6. Turn it on again, the hits - Genesis 7 5 41
7. Unsterblich - Die Toten Hosen 1 4
8. 9. Peace - Eurythmics 7 3 13
9. 7. Chronicles, the best of - Eric Clapton 9 2 35
10. 10. Das Jahrhundertfest - Andre Rieu 2 1 2

16. Januar 2000   (# 1314)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. All the way, a decade of songs - Celine Dion 5 20 42
2. 2. Greatest hits - Cher 5 18 47
3. 4. S & M - Metallica 4 15 24
4. 5. Twenty four seven - Tina Turner 7 13 40
5. 3. Hooray for boobies - Bloodhound Gang 12 14 98
6. 7. Unsterblich - Die Toten Hosen 2 9
7. 6. Turn it on again, the hits - Genesis 8 9 45
8. 10. Das Jahrhundertfest - Andre Rieu 3 4 5
9. Songs from the last century - George Michael 1 2
10. Rainbow - Mariah Carey 1 1

23. Januar 2000   (# 1315)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. All the way, a decade of songs - Celine Dion 6 30 52
2. 3. S & M - Metallica 5 24 33
3. 2. Greatest hits - Cher 6 26 55
4. 6. Unsterblich - Die Toten Hosen 3 16
5. 4. Twenty four seven - Tina Turner 8 19 46
6. 8. Das Jahrhundertfest - Andre Rieu 4 9 10
7. 5. Hooray for boobies - Bloodhound Gang 13 18 102
8. 9. Songs from the last century - George Michael 2 5
9. 7. Turn it on again, the hits - Genesis 9 11 47
10. 10. Rainbow - Mariah Carey 2 2

30. Januar 2000   (# 1316)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. All the way, a decade of songs - Celine Dion 7 40 62
2. 2. S & M - Metallica 6 33 42
3. 3. Greatest hits - Cher 7 34 63
4. 4. Unsterblich - Die Toten Hosen 4 23
5. 6. Das Jahrhundertfest - Andre Rieu 5 15 16
6. 5. Twenty four seven - Tina Turner 9 24 51
7. 8. Songs from the last century - George Michael 3 9
8. Supernatural - Santana 1 3
9. Unplugged - The Corrs 1 2
10. Tarzan - Phil Collins / SOUNDTRACK 1 1

6. Februar 2000   (# 1317)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. All the way, a decade of songs - Celine Dion 8 50 72
2. 2. S & M - Metallica 7 42 51
3. 3. Greatest hits - Cher 8 42 71
4. 4. Unsterblich - Die Toten Hosen 5 30
5. 5. Das Jahrhundertfest - Andre Rieu 6 21 22
6. 8. Supernatural - Santana 2 8
7. 7. Songs from the last century - George Michael 4 13
8. 6. Twenty four seven - Tina Turner 10 27 54
9. 9. Unplugged - The Corrs 2 4
10. Reload - Tom Jones 1 1

13. Februar 2000   (# 1318)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. All the way, a decade of songs - Celine Dion 9 60 82
2. 2. S & M - Metallica 7 51 60
3. 4. Unsterblich - Die Toten Hosen 6 38
4. 6. Supernatural - Santana 3 15
5. 3. Greatest hits - Cher 9 48 77
6. 5. Das Jahrhundertfest - Andre Rieu 7 26 27
7. 10. Reload - Tom Jones 2 5
8. 7. Songs from the last century - George Michael 5 16
9. 9. Unplugged - The Corrs 3 6
10. The screen behind the mirror - Enigma 1 1

20. Februar 2000   (# 1319)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. S & M - Metallica 8 61 70
2. 1. All the way, a decade of songs - Celine Dion 10 69 91
3. 3. Unsterblich - Die Toten Hosen 7 46
4. 4. Supernatural - Santana 4 22
5. 7. Reload - Tom Jones 3 11
6. 5. Greatest hits - Cher 10 53 82
7. 6. Das Jahrhundertfest - Andre Rieu 8 30 31
8. Razorblade romance - HIM 1 3
9. 8. Songs from the last century - George Michael 6 18
10. 9. Unplugged - The Corrs 4 7

27. Februar 2000   (# 1320)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. S & M - Metallica 9 71 80
2. 2. All the way, a decade of songs - Celine Dion 11 78 100
3. 4. Supernatural - Santana 5 30
4. 3. Unsterblich - Die Toten Hosen 8 53
5. 5. Reload - Tom Jones 4 17
6. 8. Razorblade romance - HIM 2 8
7. The ABBA Generation - A*Teens 1 4
8. 9. Songs from the last century - George Michael 7 21
9. 6. Greatest hits - Cher 11 55 84
10. 7. Das Jahrhundertfest - Andre Rieu 9 31 32

5. März 2000   (# 1321)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 3. Supernatural - Santana 6 40
2. 1. S & M - Metallica 10 80 89
3. 2. All the way, a decade of songs - Celine Dion 11 86 108
4. 5. Reload - Tom Jones 5 24
5. 6. Razorblade romance - HIM 3 14
6. 4. Unsterblich - Die Toten Hosen 9 58
7. 7. The ABBA Generation - A*Teens 2 8
8. RE The screen behind the mirror - Enigma 2 4
9. RE Unplugged - The Corrs 5 9
10. 9. Greatest hits - Cher 12 56 85

12. März 2000   (# 1322)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Supernatural - Santana 7 50
2. 2. S & M - Metallica 11 89 98
3. 4. Reload - Tom Jones 6 32
4. 5. Razorblade romance - HIM 4 21
5. 7. The ABBA Generation - A*Teens 3 14
6. 3. All the way, a decade of songs - Celine Dion 12 91 113
7. 6. Unsterblich - Die Toten Hosen 10 62
8. 8. The screen behind the mirror - Enigma 3 7
9. 9. Unplugged - The Corrs 6 11
10. RE Songs from the last century - George Michael 8 22

19. März 2000   (# 1323)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Supernatural - Santana 8 60
2. 3. Reload - Tom Jones 7 41
3. 4. Razorblade romance - HIM 5 29
4. 2. S & M - Metallica 12 96 105
5. 5. The ABBA Generation - A*Teens 4 20
6. 6. All the way, a decade of songs - Celine Dion 13 96 118
7. 7. Unsterblich - Die Toten Hosen 11 66
8. 8. The screen behind the mirror - Enigma 4 10
9. Stiff upper lip - AC/DC 1 2
10. RE Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers 11 1 51

26. März 2000   (# 1324)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Supernatural - Santana 9 70
2. 2. Reload - Tom Jones 8 50
3. 3. Razorblade romance - HIM 6 37
4. 5. The ABBA Generation - A*Teens 5 27
5. 4. S & M - Metallica 13 102 111
6. 9. Stiff upper lip - AC/DC 2 7
7. 6. All the way, a decade of songs - Celine Dion 14 100 122
8. 8. The screen behind the mirror - Enigma 5 13
9. 2000-year of the dragon - Modern Talking 1 2
10. 10. Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers 12 2 52

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