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Jahrgang 1997  4. Quartal

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5. Oktober 1997   (# 1198)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Bandits - SOUNDTRACK / Bandits 10 75
2. 3. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 6 33
3. 5. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 4 19
4. 2. Klappe die 2. - Tic Tac Toe 21 184
5. 8. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 3 11
6. 6. No way out - Puff Daddy & The Family 7 34
7. 4. The fat of the land - The Prodigy 11 75
8. 9. Calling all stations - Genesis 2 5
9. 7. Romanza - Andrea Bocelli 25 188
10. Across from midnight - Joe Cocker 1 1

12. Oktober 1997   (# 1199)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 7 43
2. 3. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 5 28
3. 5. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 4 19
4. 1. Bandits - SOUNDTRACK / Bandits 11 82
5. 4. Klappe die 2. - Tic Tac Toe 22 190
6. 8. Calling all stations - Genesis 3 10
7. 10. Across from midnight - Joe Cocker 2 5
8. 6. No way out - Puff Daddy & The Family 8 37
9. 7. The fat of the land - The Prodigy 12 77
10. RE Be here now - Oasis 4 6

19. Oktober 1997   (# 1200)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 6 38
2. 1. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 8 52
3. 3. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 5 27
4. 7. Across from midnight - Joe Cocker 3 12
5. 6. Calling all stations - Genesis 4 16
6. 4. Bandits - SOUNDTRACK / Bandits 12 87
7. 5. Klappe die 2. - Tic Tac Toe 23 194
8. 8. No way out - Puff Daddy & The Family 9 40
9. 10. Be here now - Oasis 5 8
10. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 1 1

26. Oktober 1997   (# 1201)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 7 48
2. 3. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 6 36
3. 2. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 9 60
4. 4. Across from midnight - Joe Cocker 4 19
5. 5. Calling all stations - Genesis 5 22
6. 10. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 2 6
7. 6. Bandits - SOUNDTRACK / Bandits 13 91
8. 9. Be here now - Oasis 6 11
9. 7. Klappe die 2. - Tic Tac Toe 24 196
10. 8. No way out - Puff Daddy & The Family 10 41

2. November 1997   (# 1202)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 8 58
2. 2. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 7 45
3. 3. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 10 68
4. 4. Across from midnight - Joe Cocker 5 26
5. 5. Calling all stations - Genesis 6 28
6. 6. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 3 11
7. 8. Be here now - Oasis 7 15
8. 7. Bandits - SOUNDTRACK / Bandits 14 94
9. 9. Klappe die 2. - Tic Tac Toe 25 198
10. The velvet rope - Janet Jackson 1 1

9. November 1997   (# 1203)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 8 55
2. 1. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 9 67
3. 3. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 11 76
4. 4. Across from midnight - Joe Cocker 6 33
5. 6. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 4 17
6. 5. Calling all stations - Genesis 7 33
7. 10. The velvet rope - Janet Jackson 2 5
8. 7. Be here now - Oasis 8 18
9. Diana Princess of Wales - VARIOUS 1 2
10. Butterfly - Mariah Carey 1 1

16. November 1997   (# 1204)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 9 65
2. 2. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 10 76
3. 4. Across from midnight - Joe Cocker 7 41
4. 5. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 5 24
5. 3. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 12 82
6. 6. Calling all stations - Genesis 8 38
7. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 1 4
8. 7. The velvet rope - Janet Jackson 3 8
9. 9. Diana Princess of Wales - VARIOUS 2 4
10. 10. Butterfly - Mariah Carey 2 2

23. November 1997   (# 1205)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 10 75
2. 2. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 11 85
3. 4. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 6 32
4. 3. Across from midnight - Joe Cocker 8 48
5. 5. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 13 88
6. 6. Calling all stations - Genesis 9 43
7. 7. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 2 8
8. Growin´ up - The Kelly Family 1 3
9. Era - Era 1 2
10. 8. The velvet rope - Janet Jackson 4 10

30. November 1997   (# 1206)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 3. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 7 42
2. 1. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 11 84
3. 2. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 12 93
4. 4. Across from midnight - Joe Cocker 9 55
5. 5. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 14 94
6. 7. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 3 13
7. 6. Calling all stations - Genesis 10 47
8. 8. Growin´ up - The Kelly Family 2 6
9. 9. Era - Era 2 4
10. 10. The velvet rope - Janet Jackson 5 11

7. Dezember 1997   (# 1207)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 8 52
2. 2. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 12 93
3. 3. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 13 101
4. 6. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 4 20
5. 4. Across from midnight - Joe Cocker 10 61
6. 5. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 15 99
7. 8. Growin´ up - The Kelly Family 3 10
8. 9. Era - Era 3 7
9. 7. Calling all stations - Genesis 11 49
10. Reload - Metallica 1 1

14. Dezember 1997   (# 1208)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 9 62
2. 4. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 5 29
3. 2. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 13 101
4. 3. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 14 108
5. 6. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 16 105
6. 5. Across from midnight - Joe Cocker 11 66
7. 8. Era - Era 4 11
8. 7. Growin´ up - The Kelly Family 4 13
9. 10. Reload - Metallica 2 3
10. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 1 1

21. Dezember 1997   (# 1209)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 10 72
2. 2. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 6 38
3. 3. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 14 109
4. 10. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 2 8
5. 9. Reload - Metallica 3 9
6. 5. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 17 110
7. 7. Era - Era 5 15
8. 4. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 15 111
9. 8. Growin´ up - The Kelly Family 5 15
10. 6. Across from midnight - Joe Cocker 12 67

28. Dezember 1997

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