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Jahrgang 1987  3. Quartal

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5. Juli 1987   (# 673)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The Joshua tree - U2 13 104
2. 2. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 17 138
3. 3. Rain dancing - Alison Moyet 9 56
4. 4. Tango in the night - Fleetwood Mac 6 32
5. 6. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 4 17
6. 8. Whitney - Whitney Houston 3 9
7. 5. Men and women - Simply Red 14 86
8. 7. The very best of - Hot Chocolate 5 14
9. 9. Running in the family - Level 42 11 47
10. Live in the city of light - Simple Minds 1 1

12. Juli 1987   (# 674)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The Joshua tree - U2 14 114
2. 2. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 18 147
3. 5. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 5 25
4. 6. Whitney - Whitney Houston 4 16
5. 4. Tango in the night - Fleetwood Mac 7 38
6. 3. Rain dancing - Alison Moyet 10 61
7. 8. The very best of - Hot Chocolate 6 18
8. 7. Men and women - Simply Red 15 89
9. 10. Live in the city of light - Simple Minds 2 3
10. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me - The Cure 1 1

19. Juli 1987   (# 675)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The Joshua tree - U2 15 124
2. 2. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 19 156
3. 4. Whitney - Whitney Houston 5 24
4. 3. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 6 32
5. 5. Tango in the night - Fleetwood Mac 8 44
6. 7. The very best of - Hot Chocolate 7 23
7. 6. Rain dancing - Alison Moyet 11 65
8. 9. Live in the city of light - Simple Minds 3 6
9. Clutching at straws - Marillion 1 2
10. 10. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me - The Cure 2 2

26. Juli 1987   (# 676)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The Joshua tree - U2 16 134
2. 3. Whitney - Whitney Houston 6 33
3. 2. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 20 164
4. 4. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 7 39
5. 5. Tango in the night - Fleetwood Mac 9 50
6. 9. Clutching at straws - Marillion 2 7
7. 6. The very best of - Hot Chocolate 8 27
8. 8. Live in the city of light - Simple Minds 4 9
9. 7. Rain dancing - Alison Moyet 12 67
10. 10. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me - The Cure 3 3

2. August 1987   (# 677)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The Joshua tree - U2 17 144
2. 2. Whitney - Whitney Houston 7 42
3. 3. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 21 172
4. 4. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 8 46
5. 6. Clutching at straws - Marillion 3 13
6. 5. Tango in the night - Fleetwood Mac 10 55
7. Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen - Jürgen von der Lippe 1 4
8. 7. The very best of - Hot Chocolate 9 30
9. 8. Live in the city of light - Simple Minds 5 11
10. 10. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me - The Cure 4 4

9. August 1987   (# 678)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. The Joshua tree - U2 18 154
2. 2. Whitney - Whitney Houston 8 51
3. 3. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 22 180
4. 4. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 9 53
5. 5. Clutching at straws - Marillion 4 19
6. 7. Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen - Jürgen von der Lippe 2 9
7. 9. Live in the city of light - Simple Minds 6 15
8. After here through midland - Cock Robin 1 3
9. 6. Tango in the night - Fleetwood Mac 11 57
10. 10. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me - The Cure 5 5

16. August 1987   (# 679)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Whitney - Whitney Houston 9 61
2. 1. The Joshua tree - U2 19 163
3. 5. Clutching at straws - Marillion 5 27
4. 3. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 23 187
5. 4. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 10 59
6. 6. Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen - Jürgen von der Lippe 3 14
7. 8. After here through midland - Cock Robin 2 7
8. 7. Live in the city of light - Simple Minds 7 18
9. 10. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me - The Cure 6 7
10. Who´s that girl - Madonna 1 1

23. August 1987   (# 680)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Whitney - Whitney Houston 10 71
2. 2. The Joshua tree - U2 20 172
3. 3. Clutching at straws - Marillion 6 35
4. 4. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 24 194
5. 5. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 11 65
6. 6. Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen - Jürgen von der Lippe 4 19
7. 7. After here through midland - Cock Robin 3 11
8. 10. Who´s that girl - Madonna 2 4
9. 8. Live in the city of light - Simple Minds 8 20
10. Kleine Wunder - Nicki 1 1

30. August 1987   (# 681)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Whitney - Whitney Houston 11 81
2. 2. The Joshua tree - U2 21 181
3. 3. Clutching at straws - Marillion 7 43
4. 4. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 25 201
5. 6. Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen - Jürgen von der Lippe 5 25
6. 8. Who´s that girl - Madonna 3 9
7. 5. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 12 69
8. 7. After here through midland - Cock Robin 4 14
9. 10. Kleine Wunder - Nicki 2 3
10. Romantic warriors, 5th album  - Modern Talking 1 1

6. September 1987   (# 682)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Whitney - Whitney Houston 12 91
2. 2. The Joshua tree - U2 22 190
3. 3. Clutching at straws - Marillion 8 51
4. 6. Who´s that girl - Madonna 4 16
5. 5. Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen - Jürgen von der Lippe 6 31
6. 4. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 26 206
7. 9. Kleine Wunder - Nicki 3 7
8. 8. After here through midland - Cock Robin 5 17
9. 7. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 13 71
10. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 1 1

13. September 1987   (# 683)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Whitney - Whitney Houston 13 101
2. 2. The Joshua tree - U2 23 199
3. 3. Clutching at straws - Marillion 9 59
4. 4. Who´s that girl - Madonna 5 23
5. 7. Kleine Wunder - Nicki 4 13
6. 5. Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen - Jürgen von der Lippe 7 36
7. 6. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 27 210
8. 8. After here through midland - Cock Robin 6 20
9. 10. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 2 3
10. 9. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 14 72

20. September 1987   (# 684)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Whitney - Whitney Houston 14 111
2. 2. The Joshua tree - U2 24 208
3. 4. Who´s that girl - Madonna 6 31
4. 3. Clutching at straws - Marillion 10 66
5. 5. Kleine Wunder - Nicki 5 19
6. 6. Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen - Jürgen von der Lippe 8 41
7. 9. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 3 7
8. 7. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 28 213
9. 8. After here through midland - Cock Robin 7 22
10. 10. Deep from the heart - Mixed Emotions 15 73

27. September 1987   (# 685)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Whitney - Whitney Houston 15 121
2. 2. The Joshua tree - U2 25 217
3. 3. Who´s that girl - Madonna 7 39
4. 4. Clutching at straws - Marillion 11 73
5. 5. Kleine Wunder - Nicki 6 25
6. 7. Introducing the hardline according to - Terence Trent D´Arby 4 12
7. Bad - Michael Jackson 1 4
8. 6. Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen - Jürgen von der Lippe 9 44
9. 9. After here through midland - Cock Robin 8 24
10. 8. Heart over mind - Jennifer Rush 29 214

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