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Jahrgang 1986  1. Quartal

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5. Januar 1986   (# 596)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 8 10 54
2. 3. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 7 9 42
3. 2. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 14 8 114
4. 4. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 30 7 230
5. 6. Promise - Sade 5 6 22
6. 5. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 12 5 71
7. 8. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 14 4 76
8. 7. Afterburner - ZZ Top 4 3 12
9. Ice on fire - Elton John 1 2
10. 10. Shilly shally - Fritz Brause 5 1 6

12. Januar 1986   (# 597)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 9 20 64
2. 2. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 8 18 51
3. 5. Promise - Sade 6 14 30
4. 4. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 31 14 237
5. 7. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 15 10 82
6. 3. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 15 13 119
7. 6. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 13 9 75
8. 8. Afterburner - ZZ Top 5 6 15
9. 9. Ice on fire - Elton John 2 4
10. Odissea veneziana - Rondo Veneziano 1 1

19. Januar 1986   (# 598)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 10 30 74
2. 2. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 9 27 60
3. 3. Promise - Sade 7 22 38
4. 5. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 16 17 89
5. 4. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 32 20 243
6. 6. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 16 18 124
7. 8. Afterburner - ZZ Top 6 10 19
8. 7. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 14 12 78
9. 9. Ice on fire - Elton John 3 6
10. 10. Odissea veneziana - Rondo Veneziano 2 2

26. Januar 1986   (# 599)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 11 40 84
2. 4. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 17 26 98
3. 3. Promise - Sade 8 30 46
4. 5. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 33 27 250
5. 2. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 10 33 66
6. 7. Afterburner - ZZ Top 7 15 24
7. 9. Ice on fire - Elton John 4 10
8. 6. Sonne in der Nacht - Peter Maffay 17 21 127
9. 8. Hounds of love - Kate Bush 15 14 80
10. 10. Odissea veneziana - Rondo Veneziano 3 3

2. Februar 1986   (# 600)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 12 50 94
2. 2. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 18 35 107
3. 4. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 34 35 258
4. 3. Promise - Sade 9 37 53
5. 5. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 11 39 72
6. 7. Ice on fire - Elton John 5 15
7. 6. Afterburner - ZZ Top 8 19 28
8. Falco3 - Falco 1 3
9. 10. Odissea veneziana - Rondo Veneziano 4 5
10. RE Du gehörst zu mir - Roger Whittaker 5 1 5

9. Februar 1986   (# 601)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 13 60 104
2. 3. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 35 44 267
3. 2. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 19 43 115
4. 4. Promise - Sade 10 44 60
5. 6. Ice on fire - Elton John 6 21
6. 8. Falco3 - Falco 2 8
7. 5. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 12 43 76
8. 7. Afterburner - ZZ Top 9 22 31
9. The dream of the blue turtles - Sting 1 2
10. 10. Du gehörst zu mir - Roger Whittaker 6 2 6

16. Februar 1986   (# 602)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 14 70 114
2. 2. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 36 53 276
3. 3. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 20 51 123
4. 6. Falco3 - Falco 3 15
5. 4. Promise - Sade 11 50 66
6. 5. Ice on fire - Elton John 7 26
7. 9. The dream of the blue turtles - Sting 2 6
8. 7. Let´s talk about love, 2nd album - Modern Talking 13 46 79
9. Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston 1 2
10. 10. Du gehörst zu mir - Roger Whittaker 7 3 7

23. Februar 1986   (# 603)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 15 80 124
2. 2. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 37 62 285
3. 4. Falco3 - Falco 4 23
4. 3. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 21 58 130
5. 5. Promise - Sade 12 56 72
6. 6. Ice on fire - Elton John 8 31
7. 7. The dream of the blue turtles - Sting 3 10
8. 9. Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston 2 5
9. 10. Du gehörst zu mir - Roger Whittaker 8 5 9
10. RE Odissea veneziana - Rondo Veneziano 5 6

2. März 1986   (# 604)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 16 90 134
2. 2. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 38 71 294
3. 3. Falco3 - Falco 5 31
4. 4. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 22 65 137
5. 7. The dream of the blue turtles - Sting 4 16
6. 5. Promise - Sade 13 61 77
7. 8. Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston 3 9
8. Ahl Männer, aalglatt - BAP 1 3
9. 6. Ice on fire - Elton John 9 33
10. The best of 10 years - Boney M. 1 1

9. März 1986   (# 605)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 17 100 144
2. 3. Falco3 - Falco 6 40
3. 2. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 39 79 302
4. 8. Ahl Männer, aalglatt - BAP 2 10
5. 7. Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston 4 15
6. 5. The dream of the blue turtles - Sting 5 21
7. 6. Promise - Sade 14 65 81
8. 4. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 23 68 140
9. 9. Ice on fire - Elton John 10 35
10. 10. The best of 10 years - Boney M. 2 2

16. März 1986   (# 606)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 18 110 154
2. 2. Falco3 - Falco 7 49
3. 3. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 40 87 310
4. 4. Ahl Männer, aalglatt - BAP 3 17
5. 5. Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston 5 21
6. 6. The dream of the blue turtles - Sting 6 26
7. 7. Promise - Sade 15 69 85
8. Rocky IV - SOUNDTRACK 1 3
9. 10. The best of 10 years - Boney M. 3 4
10. 8. Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush 24 69 141

23. März 1986   (# 607)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 19 120 164
2. 2. Falco3 - Falco 8 58
3. 4. Ahl Männer, aalglatt - BAP 4 25
4. 3. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 41 94 317
5. 5. Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston 6 27
6. 8. Rocky IV - SOUNDTRACK 2 8
7. 6. The dream of the blue turtles - Sting 7 30
8. 7. Promise - Sade 16 72 88
9. 9. The best of 10 years - Boney M. 4 6
10. RE Ice on fire - Elton John 11 36

30. März 1986   (# 608)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Movin´ - Jennifer Rush 20 130 174
2. 3. Ahl Männer, aalglatt - BAP 5 34
3. 2. Falco3 - Falco 9 66
4. 5. Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston 7 34
5. 4. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits 42 100 323
6. 6. Rocky IV - SOUNDTRACK 3 13
7. 7. The dream of the blue turtles - Sting 8 34
8. 9. The best of 10 years - Boney M. 5 9
9. 8. Promise - Sade 17 74 90
10. 10. Ice on fire - Elton John 12 37

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