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Jahrgang 2000  3. Quartal

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2. Juli 2000   (# 1338)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Supernatural - Santana 23 210
2. 2. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 4 31
3. 3. Minor earth, major sky - A-ha 9 64
4. 7. Crush - Bon Jovi 3 12
5. 4. Don´t give me names - Guano Apes 7 40
6. 8. The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem 3 10
7. 5. The heat - Toni Braxton 7 35
8. 6. Greatest hits - Whitney Houston 4 15
9. 9. Back to life - Michael Mittermeier 5 12
10. Brave new world - Iron Maiden 1 1

9. Juli 2000   (# 1339)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 5 41
2. 1. Supernatural - Santana 24 219
3. 4. Crush - Bon Jovi 4 20
4. 6. The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem 4 17
5. 5. Don´t give me names - Guano Apes 8 46
6. 3. Minor earth, major sky - A-ha 10 69
7. 7. The heat - Toni Braxton 8 39
8. 8. Greatest hits - Whitney Houston 5 18
9. 9. Back to life - Michael Mittermeier 6 14
10. Riding with the King - Eric Clapton & B.B. King 1 1

16. Juli 2000   (# 1340)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 6 51
2. 3. Crush - Bon Jovi 5 29
3. 2. Supernatural - Santana 25 227
4. 4. The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem 5 24
5. 5. Don´t give me names - Guano Apes 9 52
6. 8. Greatest hits - Whitney Houston 6 23
7. Konkret - Wolfgang Petry 1 4
8. 10. Riding with the King - Eric Clapton & B.B. King 2 4
9. 9. Back to life - Michael Mittermeier 7 16
10. Moment of glory - Scorpions 1 1

23. Juli 2000   (# 1341)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Crush - Bon Jovi 6 39
2. 1. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 7 60
3. 4. The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem 6 32
4. 3. Supernatural - Santana 26 234
5. 8. Riding with the King - Eric Clapton & B.B. King 3 10
6. 7. Konkret - Wolfgang Petry 2 9
7. 10. Moment of glory - Scorpions 2 5
8. 6. Greatest hits - Whitney Houston 7 26
9. 9. Back to life - Michael Mittermeier 8 18
10. 5. Don´t give me names - Guano Apes 10 53

30. Juli 2000   (# 1342)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Crush - Bon Jovi 7 49
2. 2. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 8 69
3. 3. The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem 7 40
4. 5. Riding with the King - Eric Clapton & B.B. King 4 17
5. 4. Supernatural - Santana 27 240
6. 6. Konkret - Wolfgang Petry 3 14
7. 7. Moment of glory - Scorpions 3 9
8. 8. Greatest hits - Whitney Houston 8 29
9. 9. Back to life - Michael Mittermeier 9 20
10. Tuesday - Reamonn 1 1

6. August 2000   (# 1343)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Crush - Bon Jovi 8 59
2. 2. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 9 78
3. 3. The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem 8 48
4. 4. Riding with the King - Eric Clapton & B.B. King 5 24
5. 5. Supernatural - Santana 28 246
6. 6. Konkret - Wolfgang Petry 4 19
7. 7. Moment of glory - Scorpions 4 13
8. Not that kind - Anastacia 1 3
9. 8. Greatest hits - Whitney Houston 9 31
10. In blue - The Corrs 1 1

13. August 2000   (# 1344)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Crush - Bon Jovi 9 69
2. 2. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 10 87
3. 4. Riding with the King - Eric Clapton & B.B. King 6 32
4. 3. The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem 9 55
5. 6. Konkret - Wolfgang Petry 5 25
6. 5. Supernatural - Santana 29 251
7. 7. Moment of glory - Scorpions 5 17
8. 8. Not that kind - Anastacia 2 6
9. 10. In blue - The Corrs 2 3
10. Mission impossible 2 - SOUNDTRACK 1 1

20. August 2000   (# 1345)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Crush - Bon Jovi 10 79
2. 2. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 11 96
3. 3. Riding with the King - Eric Clapton & B.B. King 7 40
4. 4. The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem 10 62
5. 5. Konkret - Wolfgang Petry 6 31
6. 9. In blue - The Corrs 3 8
7. 8. Not that kind - Anastacia 3 10
8. 6. Supernatural - Santana 30 254
9. 7. Moment of glory - Scorpions 6 19
10. 10. Mission impossible 2 - SOUNDTRACK 2 2

27. August 2000   (# 1346)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Crush - Bon Jovi 11 89
2. 2. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 12 105
3. 3. Riding with the King - Eric Clapton & B.B. King 8 48
4. 6. In blue - The Corrs 4 15
5. 7. Not that kind - Anastacia 4 16
6. 5. Konkret - Wolfgang Petry 7 36
7. 4. The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem 11 66
8. 10. Mission impossible 2 - SOUNDTRACK 3 5
9. 9. Moment of glory - Scorpions 7 21
10. 8. Supernatural - Santana 31 255

3. September 2000   (# 1347)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Crush - Bon Jovi 12 99
2. 4. In blue - The Corrs 5 24
3. 2. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 13 113
4. 5. Not that kind - Anastacia 5 23
5. 3. Riding with the King - Eric Clapton & B.B. King 9 54
6. 6. Konkret - Wolfgang Petry 8 41
7. 8. Mission impossible 2 - SOUNDTRACK 4 9
8. 9. Moment of glory - Scorpions 8 24
9. 7. The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem 12 68
10. 10. Supernatural - Santana 32 256

10. September 2000   (# 1348)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Crush - Bon Jovi 13 109
2. 2. In blue - The Corrs 6 33
3. 4. Not that kind - Anastacia 6 31
4. 3. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 14 120
5. 5. Riding with the King - Eric Clapton & B.B. King 10 60
6. 6. Konkret - Wolfgang Petry 9 46
7. 7. Mission impossible 2 - SOUNDTRACK 5 13
8. 9. The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem 13 71
9. 8. Moment of glory - Scorpions 9 26
10. 10. Supernatural - Santana 33 257

17. September 2000   (# 1349)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. In blue - The Corrs 7 43
2. 1. Crush - Bon Jovi 14 118
3. 3. Not that kind - Anastacia 7 39
4. 4. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 15 127
5. 5. Riding with the King - Eric Clapton & B.B. King 11 66
6. 7. Mission impossible 2 - SOUNDTRACK 6 18
7. 6. Konkret - Wolfgang Petry 10 50
8. Ronan - Ronan Keating 1 3
9. RE Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers 17 10 60
10. 10. Supernatural - Santana 34 258

24. September 2000   (# 1350)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. In blue - The Corrs 8 53
2. 3. Not that kind - Anastacia 8 48
3. 4. Oops!...I did it again - Britney Spears 16 135
4. 2. Crush - Bon Jovi 15 125
5. 6. Mission impossible 2 - SOUNDTRACK 7 24
6. 5. Riding with the King - Eric Clapton & B.B. King 12 71
7. 8. Ronan - Ronan Keating 2 7
8. Sing when you´re winning - Robbie Williams 1 3
9. Born to do it - Craig David 1 2
10. 9. Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers 18 11 61

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